Today is not a good day, My 19 year old son called me today saying he want to admit hisself to the hospital because he tired of being in pain and basically tired of living and am going through my depression and anxiety and I feel like am letting him down because I suppose to be there for him and I can’t take of myself am in tears right-now am trying hard to keep my faith and I been praying hard for me and my son and meditation and really trying to do everything I can and now I feel so struck, why is it so hard for me to live a normal life why I can’t be happy and be the mother, I suppose to be for my boy’s I really need a miracle in my life I been fighting for a long time, don’t know how long I can continue like this, please pray for me and my son to make it out stronger than before any words of encouragement would be appreciated thank u
Asking God for a miracle : Today is not... - Anxiety and Depre...
Asking God for a miracle

Be positive God is there have faith I understand it’s easy to say but faith is there which keeps us alive
Am trying to have faith is hard when the devil is attacking me from all angles and am fighting but not winning I really need A miracle am really tired of struggling I been going through so much from the age of 8 I want to be normal and live my life to the fullest and be the mother my boys need
I understand dear we all are here on the same platform becoz we all are going through the same hardships of life . But sometimes things are not in our hands and someone else is controlling our lives so let’s hope for the best to come
That’s what worries me the most guess am giving up thank u
Hello Tamka,
You are a great mother. You feeling down and hard on yourself since you are not able to help your soon already deems you a decent human being and a caring person. Your son seems to be dealing with something that would require skills and stamina that you as family member can not handle. You would not expect chef to be able to write a complex computer code. Same thing goes here.
Love and compassion is all you can give. So do just that.
Your son did the right thing by seeking professional help and i would suggest that you do the same or at least get some support to help you with it.
Also, on the positive side, your son seeking help is clear that he has a will to be healthy.
You did the same thing by going here and looking for tools. Now you need to find the right ones. I hope you have successful journey in finding the right way. Just keep trying and you will for sure. You will not though if you keep telling yourself you are a bad mother. Do not let the inner you believe that.
Am afraid i can not offer much than these simple words.
Wishing you all the best.
Prayers to you and your son. I know it's hard, but be grateful that he reached out to you and wants help. That's important. It is always a struggle, but he wants to fight it and clearly you do too. Keep up the good fight and don't give up.
Thank you
God can move mountains, get on your knees and keep praying, miracles can happen! Have faith and trust in the lord
I'm sorry to hear of your suffering and your son's. I'm not religious but I am sending good vibes to both of you. Getting admitted to hospital sounds extreme but it's a much better course of action than other things he could do. Maybe he will get some medical help which can turn things around for him. Can I ask if you both/either of you get any support, in addition to your faith? I would never underestimate the comfort you get from your faith, but sometimes we all need a little extra help, eg therapy and or medication. I wish you both well x
Hang in there and be proud of your son for seeking help !! This really shows how anxiey and depression is in the genes of families. That means you are not to blame for a inheridited tendency toward some disease. Would you be responsible for getting diabetes or a heart problem ? The brain is an organ, just like any other. Hope this helps take some of the pressure off you. YOU ARE NOT TO BLAME. Hugs and love
I don't know why but I feel like the lyrics to this song might give you some encouragement.
"I know you're feeling like you just can't win, but you're trying
It's hard to keep on keepin' on, when you're being pushed around
Don't even know which way is up, you just keep spinning down, 'round, down
Every storm runs, runs out of rain
Just like every dark night turns into day
Every heartache will fade away
Just like every storm runs, runs out of rain
So hold your head up and tell yourself that there's something more...
It's gonna run out of pain
It's gonna run out of sting
It's gonna leave you alone
It's gonna set you free
Set you free
Every storm runs, runs out of rain
Just like every dark night turns into day
Every heartache will fade away
Just like every storm runs, runs out of rain
It's gonna set you free,
It's gonna run out of pain,
It's gonna set you free"
I think that's a love song, I'm not sure but oh well, I feel like those words would help.
Song ~Every Strom Runs Out of Rain~ By Gary Allan
Heavenly Father.
All things are possible with you. You hear and act on the prayers of your faithful children. Hear my prayer and that of Tamka 39. Send an abundance of faith, hope and healing. In Jesus' name I ask Amen. I will keep you and your son in my morning prayers.
Im prayin for you and your son, everything will be ok think positive, and try to focus on whats in front of you now, not yesterday, not tomorrow. See if maybe you can find a hobby you can do together, maybe a gym? light cardio... saunas massage beds... planet fitness is pretty cheap.
Stay strong n stay blessed !!!God bless you n ur son.... prayers to you .....
Hello Mama Bear... How are you doing today?
I demand (in a sweet way of course) to know that you have started an action plan.
Did you start one?
seems to me.
he called u
he didnt lie to u
he could confide in u
he could be honest to u
he did a responsible thing
u feel for him v my ice cube mother
u feel for him
u feel for him
u didnt drop him
u didnt abadon him
u didnt reject him
u didnt call him weakl
u did mock him
pretty fab mom.......................m o m..................that dares to care
not my anvil mother...............ooh super tough..........super nacists who woulnd care ..
lets see..................M O M ........that cares
all in favor of awarding u and ** ur son
the distinguished service cross of courage...............lets see a show of hands.......!!!!
GREAT job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! M O M....
u ...........................R .....................his miracle
he called......................UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
He called .....................UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
hes doing aq resposible thing.............
u didbnt drop; him.........