Starrllight, myself & several others think such a site would be fantastic. Us depressed and anxious people still have creative sides. How much good would it do if we had our own forum on this site where we could express ourselves? We could share ideas and maybe even co-write stuff. No profanity or sexually explicit stuff. Otherwise, any of your favorite self written works that you wanna share. Give me some feedback here. Of course I have no idea where to start....
What Do You Think About Another Commu... - Anxiety and Depre...
What Do You Think About Another Community On Here That Shares Poetry, Short Stories, Chapters From Novels, ect.?

That is awesome. I only have written a few things - when I was way younger. Though I don't really write anything anymore (except for my journal), I love that you are all doing this!
If we ca get it to fly, you're welcome to join.
Well, thank you! It could be healing - even for those of us who don't write but still like to read (poems). 💖
JEG that is a brilliant idea. We should ask one of the Admins about it.
Hi are you talking about having it on here sort of like a forum within a forum? If so you need to run it past the admins first to see if it is ok.
If you mean a separate site on here then look at the rules here for starting your own community. x
Thank you for that. When I figure out how to do it, I will.
Hey this is a good idea x I’m not really a story or poetry writer but I do enjoy reading and I’m sure this will help a lot of people x I hope it works out x

I put in a request to admin and I'm waiting for a reply. Fingers crossed.
I'm with you! This could be great. Maybe it could be a 'person' who shares poetry and stories and others respond with stories and poems? However it comes about it's a great idea!
Someone suggested a pm thread. Do you know what that is?
A "pm" is a "private message." So on here that would be the "messages." (Just click on the chat bubbles. Do you see them?) You can add people to the chat similar to how you add people to a text message on your phone.
That would be terrific. I promise no profanity!! I have no clue about how to go about this. I have written to Admin but had no reply yet. xxxx.
I have also written to admin with no result. But we can do group chats on our private lines with up to 10 people at a time. We could have a charter group of members and each Charter member could have up to 10 in their personal groups. We could cross communicate in the private chat area all the time. I'm gonna add music to the writing. The forum will be discussions as well as swapping poems, short stories and pages from novels. We can also discuss our favorite music too. In fact, the discussions will be completely open as long as people don't go too far astray. What do you think?
I'm with you all the way but I have no technical knowledge on how to do it.
So I am currently trying to get this going ...stay tuned...
I have entered some poetry on this site but I cannot find it. Is there a place here for just poems? I would like to add more.
We are a private writer's group. The site you were looking for was operated by Admin, I believe. I think they shut it down due to lack of overal interest eventually. You're welcome to interact with our group from this forum. We meet M-W-F. But, to get the details you would have to pm me. If you adopt Google Drive as your sharing platform we could swap poems back and forth. You are well known as an awesome writer. We would look forward to working with you. Poems are the main things we deal with. But, we also deal with other types of writing too. Let me know what you decide...
Thank you for your response. I would not be able to meet with you in person as I live in the north of Scotland. I have not heard of Google Drive. Let me think about this.
I have considered what you said but, in view of some of the posts re religion/God etc, I feel it is not the place for me. I do not wish to be involved in discussions of that sort.
Our writing group does not talk about religion. We are a neutral writing group. We meet here on the forum. But, the details are private. Trust me, we're only interested in writing and that's all. Your personal religious affiliations are not at play there. But as usual, it's up to you! Have a wonderful day my, friend!
Thanks. That is reassuring.
I'm sorry but my anxiety/depression prevents me from making definite time arrangements of any kind. I prefer to contribute--or not--at a time of my own choice.I hope you understand.