I join the anxiety and depression support group to get support from people with similar problems. Have connected with a couple people but I'm looking for more people to connect with and chat with. Not just about our anxiety and problems but to also potentially chat about things to distract us from our problems. I have no support from family members or contact so I need to make some friends online to chat with. Thanks looking forward to meeting someone else here. I'm really struggling right now and need help. Very lonely. Not able to get out much because of physical problems. hardly able to get out at all now
Looking for someone to chat with. - Anxiety and Depre...
Looking for someone to chat with.

hi and welcome to this amazing community im sure you will get great advice and support on here.just wondering have you told your family about how you really feel maybe they would help more if they knew.
My sister knows she's just not capable of helping anybody right now she's hanging on by a thread or self. My other sister isn't feeling well either but she doesn't even call my mom. I have a couple cousins that I kept reaching out to telling them I need to get out need some help but they was busy or doing something else
If you need a friend I'm happy to listen and be there ❤❤
I just joined this community and for the same reason. I need people to chat with who understand and have compassion.
Unfortunately I never seem to have the time to check in on a daily basis but if you leave me a message if you need to communicate with someone who understands what it’s like to suffer with depression and anxiety, as it prevents you from having a normal life, most people have no idea what it’s like to suffer from depression and how it rules your life, try and get as much support as you can, there are tons of Organizations who can help and support people with mental health issues, as your go he should be able to refer you to some local Organization 😊❤️
I’m so sorry to hear that you are dealing with your anxiety issues and additional health problems, I know how you feel even tho my family are always willing to do things to help me like going to the supermarket etc when I can’t find the motivation to leave the house, I’m in a very similar situation as you as I don’t just suffer with anxiety and severe depression I also struggle to get about and there are a lot of things I’m unable to do bcuz I struggle with mobility issues as I have ankylosing spondylitis and also suffer with inflammatory arthritis in almost every joint in my body and there has been many occasions when I can barely stand let alone leave the house. My arthritis is the reason I became severely depressed and started having anxiety issues. It started last year when my consultant decided to take me off the arthritis treatment I was on and start me on a new treatment that had just become available to the public,so my consultant told me to stop the treatment I was on but I was told I have to wait 4 wks b4 I could start the new stuff, that’s when all my problems began bcuz instead of waiting for wks to start the new stuff I ended up waiting 6 months b4 I got it, by then I was virtually bed ridden, and I wouldn’t see a single person for days on end so buy the time the injection started to ease my symptoms I was suffering with severe insomnia and I was suffering from severe depression and had developed anxiety and would have panic attack’s every time I had to go out, and for the next few months things got so bad I became a virtual recluse I stopped seeing everyone and would make up any excuse to get out of going anywhere, but then my doctor referred me to the nhs 2gether foundation and they got me all the help I needed and I’m doing much better, I hope you get the support you need to help you to improve your situation,and you can contact me anytime you need someone to talk 😊❤️
Thanks part of my issue is and benzodiazepines. Been on and off them for 4 years mostly on. Been tapering past 9 months. Thanks for your reply I appreciate it
I also have ankylosing spondylitis, lots of arthritis, muscle spasms, & fibromyalgia, so I do understand the constant pain. I refused the nasty meds my rheumy wanted to put me on & have been dealing with some of the inflammation & pain with natural things like raw ginger root, turmuric, & CBD oil. I've tried all kinds of things over the years for pain & also for the anxiety/depression. I'm taking SAMe now & just started Ashwaghanda. I stopped all caffeine & now drink decaf green tea; green tea has an amino acid called theanine that helps with anxiety. I'm always doing research for my problems & trying natural things; some seem to help, some don't. Being proactive gives me hope. There is a site called kickass.org for Ankylosing where you can get alot of info on what people have tried; diet is extremely important, & I eat a low carb/low sugar diet & it helps also. There's also a section telling you what foods to eat & what to avoid. Very good site. That is awesome that you found a compassionate & caring doctor who gave you that valuable foundation info. It seems that finding a good doctor is quite rare.
Have you looked into what is called LDN low dose Naltrexone. It is prescribed off-label for a variety of autoimmune disease is fibromyalgia and multiple sclerosis also can be beneficial for anxiety and depression.
Hi ozzy666, I've been aware of low dose naltrexone for several years, but it's really hard finding a doctor who will prescribe it. I took some research about it to my former rheumatologist a few years ago but he refused; he'd rather prescribe nasty drugs that will cause new problems so that he can get his kickbacks from the drug companies. I no longer go to him. I have found two doctors who will prescribe it, but they have pretty bad patient reviews & I don't want to deal with them. I am now taking apple cider vinegar for my inflammation & it is helping immensely. Through sheer determination I still work part time, help out at a weekly group where I help prepare a lunch, walk the dirt track at the park, etc. I try to ignore the pain & have a good social life; laughing alot helps immensely. I keep in mind that the increasing bad days do get better but still struggle with my anxiety.
We are here for you... Please know this! You can reach out anytime. 💗
Hi Ozzy, you can write me anytime. I don't spend alot of time on the site but will always answer when you write me. My heart goes out to you that you have difficulty getting out. There are alot of support groups online & I'm sure you'll find lots of people to chat with both here & elsewhere. I'm 65 & have most of my crappy years behind me now. But my newest bout with anxiety makes me realize that my problems will follow me to my grave. However, I also believe that we can reach inside ourselves & get our minds in a happier place. It takes alot of work, & many days I don't believe it at all, but on the better days I know that it's true. I'll try to help you anyway I can. Check out a site called CALM; there are lots of audio stuff that you can try.
Hi and welcome.
Sure u can make new and good friends here.
We r here to support each other as much as we can
Hi! I like your user name. I'm going to see him Friday night. I'd be happy to be a shoulder to lean on or a set of eyes to read messages you would like to send me.
Brothers in metal maybe?
We might already have a connection!
Take care!
new here and looking for someone to chat with