Hey guys,
Right now, due to unfortunate circumstance, I’m living in a house with 12 other people, 7 of whom are kids from 2-11. My husband, 4-year-old daughter and I share one room. The whole extended family visits after church every Saturday, for hours.
I’m feeling SUPER antisocial today. Feel very judged for not always wanting to be in somebody’s face smiling and chatting. For needing loads of downtime. For often pulling away and isolating myself.
I miss having my own place; this is SO hard for me. I often feel trapped in this small room, not wanting to even step out to restroom or to grab a bite lest I run into some critical word, some side-eye, some infuriating, “general” comment said out loud to “everyone” but actually meant for me (from the other two women in the house: my overbearing, boundaryless mother-in-law and my sister-in-law. House is nasty all the time. NASTY. Chaotic with all the kids and noise and criticism and stress. Dad-in-law super sick and dying from cirrhosis of the liver. And THIS is where I live—ME, the girl who thrives in her own world with books and the piano, ok and maybe Netflix. THIS is where I’ve been forced to live (due to circumstance) since my breakdown last year...THIS is where I’m supposed to recover, to heal from my stress, anxiety, depression???!!!
I feel like I’m slowly dying in this room, in this situation. And no, I don’t have other VIABLE options right now with my husband and daughter.
Yes, I’m grateful that we’re not on the street, I am. But this is exceedingly difficult for me. Not just to be in, but to HEAL and recover, you know?
PLEASE, PLEASE talk to me! You guys are my lifeline.