Wish I didn"t have to live alone.
Alone: Wish I didn"t have to live alone. - Anxiety and Depre...
Hi Dasani68, I'm sorry you're feeling down, but please know that you always have friends here to talk to if you need someone to talk to. I know it's not the same as having someone living in your home, but just know that you are never truly alone when you have friends who understand what you're going through.
Also do you have a pet, or can you have a pet where you live? I have both cats and dogs, and my fur babies bring so much comfort, love, and happiness to my life. This is just a suggestion that might help you feel a little less lonely. I hope you have a wonderful night hun, and we are here if you need someone to talk to.
Thanks. I cant afford a pet but maybe one day I will. Thanks so much for your kind words

You're welcome hun. Holler anytime you need someone to talk to. Have a nice night!!
Hi I emphasise as I live alone and often get those thoughts. I remind myself of the benefits of living alone and the things I couldn't do if I lived with others.
I sometimes have this fantasy of winning the lottery and buying a big house and invite all my favourite people to live with me rent free. x
Hi Dasani68, a couple years ago when I got divorced I was absolutely terrified of living alone for the first time in my life. My other option would have been to move back in with my parents, but it was really important to me to be independent. It took a couple months of therapy to be confident that I could handle everything myself, but since then I have loved living alone. It does get lonely sometimes, but mostly it's awesome being able to do whatever I want, decorate in my style, watch my shows, make whatever I feel like having for dinner, etc. It's like my sanctuary. I hope in time you can think of your home this way too.
I think I might the decision to get divorced after I'm done with school several months from now. I'm sooooo scared and feel like a failure--I never lived alone before but my marriage is horrible. We have no connection. He's never here and is emotionless to even try to connect with. He comes with tons of baggage and drama constantly with his kids who have so many problems with the way they were raised and his family problems and they are not nice people. I am so unhappy but think I wanna pick up and move near my niece in a different state but I'm terrified of being alone even though I am now cuz he isn't ever around but I don't know if I will be any happier alone. I don't know what to do really.
That seems so miserable to live with. I was living with a guy for 5 years, 4of the years were awful. It's much better alone than a loveless relationship

Yes it's certainly awful. That's how long I've been with him here. Ok--I think I made up my mind. I'm gonna make so many people upset and upheaval everything. I jus feel like the bad guy here doing this to him. I guess it is better alone and it will prob stay that way for quite sometime cuz I have major social anxiety which I hate!
I’m sorry to hear that you’re having a rough time. I hope you find a way to feel better about your situation. Just remember that as long as you reach out to the right people you’re never truly alone. I’m still pretty new here but the people here have been great at helping me feel less alone.
Thanks, I'm new also. I was a member of another mental health forum that became very toxic. This board seems more mature.
Well I’ve had problems with being notified about personal messages and I work a lot right now but I’m trying to be better about checking it every couple of hours if you ever need to talk. I don’t know much about your situation but if you need to talk this seems to be a great place to find someone.