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Lost job and depression & anxiety are making it so hard to even look for new income. Scared and idk what to do.

Simplyme profile image
16 Replies

I had been working as a personal assistant for a lady on disabilty for 4 years. She understood depression and anxiety so it was 'safe' working there. That job ended August 1. My meds for depression and anxiety began to quit working around March. Physiatrist had me go off meds to start new ones. For last 5 months things have been bad and now I have to find a way to make income. I'm so scared. I can't figure out what to do. I never know when I'm going to have an anxiety attack or start crying, so the thought of having to work with the public or even with other people just causes more anxiety! Looking for something I can do from home at least till we find some meds that work, but not finding anything. The fear of running out of money and not knowing what to do is making everything worse. Vicious circle of anxiety.

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16 Replies
fauxartist profile image

I'm sorry your going through all the fear...it's a horrible place to be....but when I was at a loss for finding a job....I applied at every temp agency I could. Try call centers. They have night shifts with few people there. I got short term jobs at first and the last one wanted to take me on and hire me full time. I would also go online and start resourcing who may be able to help with the meds. We have to fight it seems harder than some...but none the less....we keep trying....as hard as it is.

softwaremom00 profile image

If you live in the US have you considered trying to apply for disability ? I have not done this but I believe depression is something that qualifies you. Fulfilling work is always better than disability payments but food on the table is important. Start researching jobs that you can do from home such as online work.. maybe web development.. doing social networking for someone else(I forget the name of this career.. basically it is like being someone's facebook person).. also look into the training for this. This is just one career. I bet there are others. I would apply for disability first as I think it takes a long time to get.

Could you make things and try selling them on etsy.com ? If you knit, sew, do pottery, woodworking..etc.. anything crafty.. then you could try the etsy.com route.. it is super easy to open up an etsy store.

lots of hugs and prayers for you. It is a scary place to be in.. worrying about where your next meal is coming from. My heart goes out to you. You can do this!


writingforjoy profile image

I am so sorry you are going through this! Research money making mommy, there are some online jobs they post there. You said you were a personal assistant, this may be a great place to start, or perhaps a companion/caregiver. Helping one person may help you as well. It feels so good to know you are giving to another's need.

Library and bookstores are quiet and require a more calm atmosphere, you may like that if one is in your area.

I have seen with my son, he looks for positions in the public that are small businesses. He likes jobs that have fewer customers and that he can learn quickly. He found jobs that gave tips most beneficial because he could do a lower paying job with fewer people, but tips would help the income.

I understand anxiety, it is so hard when in the midst of it, I have found these resources helpful bit.ly/2NiChsQ.

Please continue to work with your therapist and seeking peace. I pray your heart is calm and the answer you seek comes to you quickly!

Simplyme profile image

Thank you all so much for the ideas and suggestions. I'm so emotional that just you guys trying to help me makes me tear up, again part of the reason I don't want to be around anyone, I tear up about so many things. I checked into disabilty in the past and didn't qualify, they said rarely does anyone wishy l qualify the first time they apply, but by the time I got the answer back we had found a med that helped so I could go back to work, so I didn't reapply. I've thought about it again but I know if we find a med that works I'll be ok to work again.

I do do crafts, flower arrangements and photography, and have thought about signing up for Etsy but haven't done it yet. Idk that I could make enough but it maybe something would sell. I guess it couldn't hurt to try. I seem to be short on confidence right now also. I've done caregiving in the past so it's something I know I can do, I just get so anxious because I know my threshold for handing normal things is so low right now. I know I have to somehow push through this I just can't seem to do it yet.

I will look at the places you have mentioned, thank you.

I don't know what web development or social networking for someone, but I do know how to do Facebook. I also know Photoshop pretty well and have thought about putting something on a site like Upworks, but haven't got that done yet either. All this anxiety and depression makes it hard to get myself motivated, but I know I have to.

If you know anymore about the web development or social networking thing please let me know.

Thank you for your care, concern, prayers, suggestions and well wishes, it means so much to me!

in reply to Simplyme

What about dog or cat sitting?

KDJTrainer profile image
KDJTrainer in reply to Simplyme

I think you are doing great just reaching out on here. I have been in your position and it is scary when things are thrown upon you for no reason. I think the suggestion of a library job is a good idea. Is their anyone who could help give you a hand? It’s hard to do this stuff on your own. Maybe just take one baby step, like a phone call for help? We are all rooting for you here! ❤️

kenster1 profile image

im just about about to face the same problems as you as my job is about to end.hope it works out for you.

Simplyme profile image
Simplyme in reply to kenster1

I'm so sorry! It's so scary.

Simplyme profile image

You know, I've been thinking and I'd like to know what you all think.. please forgive me if I don't use the correct terms, I mean nothing negative or against anyone.

I've looked for a place that helps people with disabilities find jobs, but the services I've found are only for people who are physically or mentally handicapped. Although depression is I guess considered a mental disability, it's not the same kind as these places help.

We need a place that helps people who have depression, anxiety, and other mental issues like this find jobs that are workable, and employers willing to work WITH us. We are bright & intelligent, we often could work and be valuable employees, but need employers to work with us. Why isn't there a job service to help us like for the other kinds of disabilities? I'm not exactly sure how employers could help, but it's just an idea, maybe a starting point for this topic?

I'm not asking for a hand out, I'm trying, doing the very best I can, I just need a little help.

KDJTrainer profile image
KDJTrainer in reply to Simplyme

No kidding. I feel like all the jobs out there are like “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” Finding a job is really hard in your 40’s. I don’t know what I’m doing and it’s really scary. You have a really good idea tho!

Simplyme profile image
Simplyme in reply to KDJTrainer

Yes I agree! I'm 56 so I understand what you're saying! I wish I did know someone. I've asked family but otherwise it's hard to explain, people think, hey there's jobs everywhere, just go get one. They don't understand the anxiety part at all.

I'm looking into house cleaning possibly, it doesn't seem quite as scary to me as I'm kind of my own but and I know I'm reliable and would do a good job. Just scared again to put myself out there. But I'm looking into trying to find someone I could go with at least to learn more about it.

KDJTrainer profile image
KDJTrainer in reply to Simplyme

I always thought it was so easy to get a job. I was totally wrong. That sounds like a good idea. The cleaning thing. Or just take a look at Thumbtack. It’s an app where people put up their services for a fee. It’s legit. ♥️

Simplyme profile image
Simplyme in reply to KDJTrainer

Thanks, I hadn't heard of Thumbtack, I'll take a look! Thank you!

Bluesos profile image
Bluesos in reply to Simplyme

I had wrongful termination last year and DOL agreed with that wholeheartedly and ageism was an aspect of it. Anxiety depression was a horror as well as effects of workplace bullying. Medicaid and County therapist helped put me back together enough to find work. There are not enough training and educational opportunities for displaced workers. Department of Labor and Workforce Development in NYS had classes and I went to everything I could get signed up for to help me. Then a friend told me about this free manual and how I could be part of a group supporting each other while getting a better job, starting a business, getting a better education, and so on. So this manual lds.org/self-reliance/cours... has helped me A LOT. It started by giving me the self confidence in knowing that God wants me to have a job and it's His purpose to provide for me by opening doors....and one thing that really helped was getting feedback on job interviewing....it really helped a lot

You are doing absolutely everything a person can do in your position. It may be frustrating and seem to take a while, but you'll get what you need. Your best efforts are all you can ever count on, and you seem to be an imaginative person -- which is a huge plus. Keep pushing through; you'll get what you need.

Simplyme profile image

Thank you!! Just hearing encouragement from you all helps. It also tells me that it would benefit me greatly to be in a group with people who have the same concerns but also understand and know what it actually feels like, verses family who don't know, haven't lived it.

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