What's the point.....: I have been... - Anxiety and Depre...

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What's the point.....

Mr-Tibbs profile image
19 Replies

I have been diagnosed with severe anxiety and depression. I have told my Dr and nurses at the Crisis team that I have a plan and have starred it. All the Dr seems to do is increase my meds. I'm on Quitriapine, Sertaline and Lorazapan. I've not told anyone what the exact plan is in fear they will stop me.

All they done is increased my meds changed quitriapine from moderate release to slow release to moderate release. Theyou have refired me to Psychology but there is a wait and a key worker (whatever one of those are).

I'm just so miserable and anxious and some times paranoid.

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Mr-Tibbs profile image
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19 Replies
fauxartist profile image

I'm sorry that it sounds like your just being passed along in the system and that no one seems to be able to give you the time you want so you can be heard. I am concerned for you as you say you have a plan....please do contact the crisis center again and tell them this so they will take you seriously. This is not the solution to a problem of being ignored and neglected by the system. But it's unfortunately what has happened to you, and I'm sorry for that...but you have to fight...your doing that a little bit by writing about it here, I'm glad your reaching out...many of us understand your desperation and feelings of being let down and ignored.....we have to become our own advocates...we have to make the choice as you did to share here...keep fighting this disease...please don't make a choice that you can never walk back from. Here your welcome and these are kind people...please keep sharing....

Mr-Tibbs profile image
Mr-Tibbs in reply to fauxartist

I'm no longer under them. Left in limbo as refered me to Outpatients and last thing crisis team Dr said was: you should receive a letter in the next 7-10 days with details of an appointment. If you've not heard anything after 10 days telephone.

I told the crisis team Dr, all the nurses even a consultant many times. Even on day of discharge from Crisis team I told my Dr I am suicidal and have a plan and have started it!

I've been told by the NHS feedback dept who told me about this site to go to my nearest A&E dept or call NHS 111 but what's the point....

fauxartist profile image
fauxartist in reply to Mr-Tibbs

have you tried these guys:

Samaritans UK & ROI


Contact by: Face to Face - Phone - Letter: - E-mail:

Hotline: +44 (0) 8457 90 90 90 (UK - local rate)

Hotline: +44 (0) 8457 90 91 92 (UK minicom)

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Hotline: 1850 60 90 91 (ROI minicom)

Website: samaritans.org

E-mail Helpline: jo@samaritans.org

24 Hour service:

Mr-Tibbs profile image
Mr-Tibbs in reply to fauxartist

Tried them and they said it's my choice to end my life and no one can stop me but me.

fauxartist profile image
fauxartist in reply to Mr-Tibbs

that was an awful thing to say, .... I'm sorry. Would you do me a favor and check this site out....really look around....also go to 'youtube' and watch some youtube takes on this documentary, and use some of the resources that are listed on their website....let me know what you think....but give this some time to check this out....I found it very helpful.....theswordmovie.com/resources/

in reply to fauxartist

Oh please please listen to faux...they would never ever steer you in the wrong direction. I can feel the pain you are in. Know this you are special there is only 1 you. I love you & am here for you . Be kind & gentle to yourself. I'm so sorry you have been treated this way it is so wrong. Big hugs! XXX

fauxartist profile image
fauxartist in reply to

she's honestly telling you the truth Mr.Tibbs....this gal is the real deal...no BS.... very kind, and gentle, and loving....let others love you till you can learn to love yourself...hang on buddy....keep reaching out....don't give up,,we aren't giving up on you either....

in reply to fauxartist

That's right we all have your back. Hang in there please don't give up...believe in you because I sure do! Love & Hugs!!!

Mr-Tibbs profile image
Mr-Tibbs in reply to

I've tried, god only knows I have tried. I tremble as type this reply, tears building up ready to flow like a fountain, anxiety heightening. I can't love myself, never have, always putting others first. To describe how I feel right now:

I feel as i'm on the edge of a bridge just waiting for the slightest of slighest breeze to blow me over to put me out my misery

in reply to Mr-Tibbs

I understand how you feel, years ago I felt like that. If you'd like to private message me feel free to do so. I'll help you in any way I can. I used to put everyone else first also. One day it dawned on me..if I don't take care of me I won't be of any good for anyone. I hope this makes some sense to you. Please just keep getting your feelings out here, you'll be amazed at the love you will get! Love & Hugs!!!

Mr-Tibbs profile image
Mr-Tibbs in reply to

I don't know how to private message sorry.

I was only recently diagnosed but feel it started months before I became under the Crisis Team.

I tried calling my GP this morning to get appointment for more meds but also tell him/her my feelings but as the Crisis Team had not yet advised my GP to prescribe meds I could not get past the receptionist. So if the Crisis team are not listening and can't get to see GP (not sure what if anything gp can/could do) then what's the point......

in reply to Mr-Tibbs

You hit the chat button at the top of the page on the left. To me I think it's great that your reaching out, that says something in itself. I'll always be here for you & that's a promise...I don't break them! More love & hugs!!!

Mr-Tibbs profile image
Mr-Tibbs in reply to

Think I sent you a message Anxiety_59

Mr-Tibbs profile image
Mr-Tibbs in reply to fauxartist

I can't get on that site. I'm getting error message.

fauxartist profile image
fauxartist in reply to Mr-Tibbs

your doin great pal...hang on.... did you get a chance to check out these resources...please do after talkin with anxiety_59.. she's a heart of gold...


go onto youtube please and also watch this trailer...:

THE S WORD Official Trailer - a film that changes how we talk about suicide

Rpan profile image

This plan you have sounds like a reservation. You can’t get better if you continue to entertain this notion. How about just putting this plan off for a while? Let’s say you go all in with learning new skills to manage this anxiety and depression for, the next six months, every time you find yourself entertaining these thoughts you switch the focus, for the next six months. It’s a matter of getting a break from this plan, because having this reservation will only hinder any progress you may be able to make.

AZ1970 profile image

Can you go inpatient? It sounds like you need more help than the doctor is giving you.

Hey there, I know exactly what you’re feeling right now. I’ve felt that way a time or two myself, & let me tell you - it gets easier. It doesn’t happen overnight & it is harder than H E double hockey sticks to get better, but YOU CAN DO THIS. Please keep fighting. Please don’t give up on yourself. Just like the others said, there is only one YOU. YOU are special, loved, wanted. YOU deserve to be here with us. Will you please fight with me? I would be so broken if you didn’t post on here anymore. Keep posting. Keep venting. We all feel your pain & will be here to support you. Don’t give up. We can do this. Together. <3

purposelife profile image

I can imagine how hard it must be. You are brave and strong for reaching out here. You are love and not alone. Here are some info on this page (bit.ly/2mFxWoz) that I hope will be helpful to you. I pray that it gets better for you. Blessings

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