Life can be so depressing. I'm so sick of feeling this way. I want my life to be better, but I feel it's impossible right now. This anxiety and depression really has a hold on me. I miss having my friends and I miss my loved ones that have died. Please tell me there is more to life than just being in this black hole that I'm in!!
Black hole: Life can be so depressing... - Anxiety and Depre...
Black hole

Isn't their anything at all that you would like to do but don't seem to have the energy to do it?
I would like to try to get a part time job. Just not sure I have the confidence to do it
Could you volunteer in a charity shop for a while just to see if you are ok with it?

I don't know. I don't even know how to go about it. I've just got to put a plan together. Thanks for the good idea
JoanyAnne I promise there is more to life than that dreaded suffocating black hole that has you sucked in. I’ve fallen down that hole a few times myself. 3 weeks ago I was in such despair that I didn’t think I could bare the pain a second longer. I’m slowly emerging into the light. It’s been a fight and I’m now on Zoloft and seeing a therapist. I know I have work to do to get myself in better place. I wait for those moments, usually evening, when I’m at my best and go online looking for part time jobs. I’m a Paraeducator with 2 teens and just lost child support for one of them since he turned 18. I’m very low income, but I know I can make it. Baby steps and extreme budgeting along with looking for 2nd job to supplement my income have given me hope I can conquer this. I will conquer this and you can too. I’m here if you need to chat. (((Hugs))) —Eileen
I went through the exact issues as you are going through. Just came out of my depression,but I almost gave up. So I changed things up. I exercised more,had my doc change my meds, changed my diet to healthy one and did Acupuncture.I hope this helps.
Good luck and don't give up,no matter what.
Change weather it is for the good or for the worse in our lives is the one constant we have. While we can’t go back to when things were good we can only change the present moment. That’s what keeps me from the event Horizon in my black hole.
Yes! There is absolutely more to life than living in the infamous black hole! I’m glad you’re sick of living that way...hopefully means that you’re ready to take positive baby steps to start climbing, scratching and clawing your way out! I would try to accept/resolve your issues with the passing of your loved ones and slowly begin to move forward in today with what life holds for you now. It’s not always easy, but necessary to move ahead. You’re going to have to work for a brighter day! Try doing the very things you don’t want to do, get rid of negative thinking and switch your mind to a more positive way of thinking, keep your mind out of the past or the future, use distraction when feeling defeated, sad or negative. I have started cooking and baking for distraction. You can do this!! I have faith that you’re ready to start taking positive steps! Good luck!!

Thank you. I used to do a lot of cooking. Maybe I will start again
It can be so difficult sometimes, but there's always a way out. Sometimes it takes a while for meds to work or to find the right meds. There are support groups and i recently have been trying meditation for anxiety and depression, some good ones on YouTube. Best wishes...prayingfor you,
hi, i am in a funk as well, my major depression that ive had over 20 years returns often. today i feel blah, even though i am about to spend the day with my family, my 4 adorable grandchildren, and my 92 year old mom. this disease robs us of happiness and the ability to think positively.
HELLO...Sorry that you feel that hard to give advice when I feel the same many hard to look forward feeling this way...You look everywhere and dont find any answer.Hope is nowhere there is nothing to fight for all things look senseless, no meaning , no purpose...I'm trying neurotics anonimous NA ; for me is being very helpful express anything you feel without being judged..feel yourself the most you can....never, never lose hope there is always a way out always....I wish you the to help....
I am sorry- one thing I do a lot - that has helped- as I have lost loved ones is to do something significant that honours all that they were to me- and what there life meant- artistic or functional- or a story- a little recipe booklet just for you and perhaps other family- the ideas are endless- planting a tree for them- the functionality of doing helps us process. Just some thoughts, Many Blessings
You are not alone sister, I suffer w bipolar depression w mania,I'm sole caregiver for my elderly mom w failing health, my brother chose to take his life and it has crushed us, my mom's been a crying mess and alot hospital stays n rehabs,for knee surgery...I'm really down now w crippling anxiety attacks,need to get back on klonopin it worked wonders for me,but moved to help my mom n they took me off says it's addictive..I'm sick hearing these things,I'm not street drugs I need help w bad anxiety,what the drugs intended for...I pray you come out of depression ok,I can so relate..pita...