Has anyone ever checked their bp during panic attack.
Mine tend to rise severely.
Last time it was 150/110.
Isn't it dangerous.?
Has anyone ever checked their bp during panic attack.
Mine tend to rise severely.
Last time it was 150/110.
Isn't it dangerous.?
I googled it...as I am not a professional...I would be irresponsible giving my opinion.. so here's what it said on line: and this of course by any means does not necessarily mean this pertains to you as your equipment could be faulty...or the readings incorrect...you should always consult your doctor if you think you have a problem.
Your blood pressure is 150 over 110?
What your blood pressure values mean
Your blood pressure is: Way too high - Hypertension Stage 3 / Hypertensive crisis
But regarding your systolic (upper) value your blood pressure is rather: Too high - Hypertension Stage 1
If you are getting two different types of classification for your blood pressure it is more likely to chose the one that is considered worse, e.g. if your systolic (upper) value is 'normal' and your diastolic (lower) value is 'high normal', consider 'high normal' as your classification.
Yes BP going up during a panic attack is normal. Yes 110 is high but likely transient. Rise in BP during an attack is a natural response. Check your BP when you feel better, check it a few times a day and chart what your base line is. You can not diagnose hypertension in crisis. Imagine if every athlete trained and took the BP, they would all be on BP meds. A panic attack is the same a vigorous exercise. Get a baseline BP than go from there. If it remains higher see an MD
You blood pressure rises during exercise too. It is only temporary. The heart is a muscle. Like any muscle it works hard when you need it to.
Mine also rises during a panic attack. It shouldn’t be anything to worry about unless it raises to something like 200/120. Then you should get concerned or unless it raises and doesn’t go back down then maybe consult a doctor. But when it gets that high during a panic attack you need to sit or lay down for a couple minutes and try take a breath and recheck it.
Thanks for calming me down.
Mine goes nuts. Like 180/110 but I figure if a lion is chasing me it would be higher than that. But I understand perfectly what you are talking about.
Ur goes 180/110 during panic?
It has a few times.
I went to the ER a few times. High blood pressure runs in my family.
Thats a different thing. If u have high BP,the panic will itself add up to the already elevated bp,mine is normal though,it rises only during panic.
Mine is okay until I panic. It is not normally high until I panic or become anxious but there have been a few times I talked myself into a lower range. When the EMTs picked me up they told me it was a panic attack even when it was that high.
Yea,it can shoot suddenly
Have you just given yourself another thing to be anxious about?
Yes. I think so. But now its better
I'm glad it's better now, don't want to be looking for reasons to Stoke the fire with?