Do panic attacks ever go away for good ? I know they can reduce in frequency but do they ever get to a point that you no longer get them ?
Panic attacks: Do panic attacks ever go... - Anxiety and Depre...
Panic attacks

They have for me James. No more Panic or Anxiety attacks. That doesn't mean that anxiety in itself leaves completely. It will always test us in our weaker moments but we now have the tools to accept it as non threatening, allow it go pass and go on with our life.
I’ve had periods of remission from them, I’ve gone years without them and then during major stressful times they come back.

Periods without them is a good sign maybe the periods will get longer through time but there’s a big positive that you are getting times without them, well done and thank you for sharing that with me
Hi James,
Anxiety can stem from many angles and if not professionally dealt with can pop up at some really inopportune times. But there are ways to manage anxiety, like meds, therapy and strategies to combat triggers when they arise.
The meds I’ve been given are doing their job but I’m still not coping with things. Life is difficult for me at the moment and I just can’t see a way forward it’s like I’m stuck in this bubble forever and no matter how hard I try I will always be in this mess. There are other things not helping like finances, getting to the loo in time, tiredness, feeling paranoid things like that
Drug therapy works best in combination with talk therapy, because if someone has something to level off the panic so they can focus on something other that, "this sucks and I feel like I'm gonna die," then they can also learn cognitive techniques that allow them, (or us, in this case), to learn ways to side-step much of the "full-panic endurance test."
So, yeah, keep learning ALL kinds of relaxation, meditative and/or whatever other self-soothing techniques you can find.
If something doesn't work, don't throw it away, per se, just put it on a shelf. 10 years from now it might be just the right wrench for the nut you've grown to be. lol
The more different ways you can learn to re-center and reset, the more often you'll avoid that torture. That's at least been the first half decade of my journey.
I think your right, I wish they would go away though
So sorry James,
"Forever" and "Always" are such strong permanent states of being. I do hope this feeling doesn't permanently last. You deserve more and I will be here hoping you feel better soon. Believe me, I get it and I am truly sorry that you are going through this.
That's what friends are for, my friend
What things can maybe make me feel better ? I have been depressed for many years and I’ve always had anxiety the panic attacks came and went but from the start of this year they have been constant, no matter what I do they just come with no warning. I had a very severe panic attack at the beginning of the year it was that serve it caused damage to my heart. I don’t want to have another attack like that, I really thought I was going to die. Since that attack everything has went downhill and I can’t control anything I see things happening and that feeling of not being able to do something other than just watch is really horrible. I can’t live the rest of my life like this surly there is something I can do to make me better
Hi James,
Sorry my reply is so late.
Anxiety usually stems from fear and as you have described you see things happening and can't do anything about them.
First, I would ask What are you afraid of?
Secondly, is this a logical fear?
Third, what can you do about it?
When you start to feel anxious take a moment to BREATHE, you have to slow down your breathing and give reason a chance to catch up. Then ask yourself, where is this coming from, why am I feeling this way, what is it that I am fearing right now. You can't get to the root of anxiety if you don't answer these questions but you can't ask them if you can't take a breath to send the needed oxygen to your brain and with a lack of oxygen the heart, being the muscle that it is, starts to constrict and tighten, causing pain and discomfort in the chest area, very similar to a heart attack.
But is this fear logical, not real (because it is) but logical. An example could be someone afraid of flying. Logically when we examine the statistical data the chance of dying in a plane crash is incredibly low, yet the fear is incredibly real. But if that person can give reason a chance, the brain will be able to relay the message of relative safety and thus, calm, peace and serenity may ensue.
On the other hand, if the fear is logical that means there is a concern to be addressed or a problem and problems have solutions. Take for instance someone fearing incapacity and having to be dependent on another. If this is inevitable, the person can try to make arrangements beforehand so they don't feel like a victim to circumstance.
These are just my thoughts and suggestions, nothing fancy. I hope I helped a little, I'm not a psychologist but I deal with anxiety and these steps have helped me, I hope they do the same for you too. Please take care and be well.
No they don’t .. that being said they become less frequent and much less scary. The fear is much less because you know what to expect and you kinda blow it off.
Less frequent will do me fine it's just the unknown of it all the now. I am on edge every minute of every day and I can't control that at the moment if I could get control back again that would be half the battle
Anxiety /panic attacks are all based on control... people that are Suffering with this condition can’t stand NOT being in control. Once we let ourself let it be and stop trying to be in control we manage our anxiety much better. It’s kind of like being in an elevator once the door closes we have lost all control, the door may not open and your stuck. But 99.9% of the elevator trips go without any problem. My point is you have very little in life that your in control of and that’s fine , just accept that and you’ll feel better in time.
Maybe so but how much damage can be done if we can't take control back. I am talking about past issues and when all seemed fine and I accepted everything then bang I don't have any control, I don't have much of a life and what life is left I'm am threatened with a knife
If I were threatened with a knife I would have already had the person in jail. So that person has you under there control and that’s because your letting it go on. Me on the other hand I’d dare the person and meet me then I’d have a gun in there face when they showed up. I don’t know your situation but we all have our problems and sometimes one after another. But things do get better In time. It may take a month or 10 years but it will get better.
It's been a constant blow after blow, I have enough issues going on with out this happening. They don't have me under their control, the demand was for money and I refused to pay them the knife was used to scare me into paying the money I still refused to pay and even with the threats continuing and them coming back to the house a further 2 times I think they have got the message now that I'm not going to pay.
Hi, anyone with anxiety, nerves, depression, I have used a book for most of my life called SELF HELP FOR YOUR NERVES, by DR. CLAIRE WEEKES. You can get it from the library. I have given the book to people who are having problems and also telling people about the book. When I have seen them after they have been using it, they say they are feeling better. There is also a part in the book for the people in your life who can read to help them to understand how they can help you.
Never feel ashamed of how you feel, no two people feel the same, so always try and talk to a friend you feel close to, and safe. Please even if you can talk to your Dr. And ask for his/her help. You may need medication, to help and that is fine, don't think that is weak,IT ISNT, they can help. If you have a pain elsewhere you would take medication.
Be kind to yourself and seek help. God Bless you and Help you.........x
Hi, just thought of something I should have said. I take medication and have for years, but it helps me to cope a lot better with my life. I have AMN, and other old peoples diseases as I am now 73, so I feel proud to be able to let you know I have coped a long time.....I hope it works for you...x
I've suffered extremely thinking it will never go away, I've also been out of it and never suffered and was happy.. until I stopped taking care of myself, and started worrying. Like my current state.. I have been threw this cycle many times it's been harder each time to get out of it but what keeps me going is I know for a fact there is that other side, and it is beautiful. You need to consistently work on yourself in every aspect and practice deep breathing