When you have panic attacks, how are they for you? What happens? Also, how often do you have them?? I’ve been having multiple a day for almost a month.
Panic Attacks? : When you have panic... - Anxiety and Depre...
Panic Attacks?

Terrible. They began last year when I was in therapy - remembered some childhood trauma and my life has been forever changed.... They were coming daily... now not so much since I worked through that trauma. They are still there and now coupled with pain...my body hurts when my anxiety occurs...or is on way....
What were the symptoms? I keep having them and the attacks feel like I am literally dying or having a heart attack
My panic is more of a panic disorder. I’m very anxious. All the time. About anything. It consumes my life. And is almost disabling at night. It started off every night when I was younger. Now it’s steady through out the day.
My panic attacks would just hit me out of no where, but where fixated on the fear of dying. It would feel so real. Until it finally eased up, but the fear was never really gone. It was just done torturing me.
I can relate. A lot of this sounds like health anxiety.
For example earlier I started to get symptoms for an ocular migraine and automatically thought i was having a brain aneurism. I googled symptoms. And talked myself into. It even worked itself up to me having a hard time breathing.
It’s all in our heads though. 95% of the time it’s nothing. And I know it’s hard to think that way.... but, just calm down, breath. And maybe think about looking into therapy for CBT?
I just started therapy last week. I go back on the 24th. I am stuck on the google too. It’s everyday that I will be googling things. I’ve had so many tests done and everything says it’s okay. Like I’m perfectly healthy but for some reason My brain doesn’t trust them.
I know the feeling. Just try and reflect on your results. I always tell myself “if I had this test done I would feel better” and then I get test ran and everything is always fine.
How are you tonight?
I am new to this. I’ve been having anxiety attacks all week. It started with a panic attack last Friday. It starts when I wake up. I say to myself “I feel okay, maybe I’m through this “, and then it starts. My heart starts racing and I start sweating and my mind starts racing resulting in more of the same. I’ve been trying deep breathing and mindfulness, but it’s hard in the middle of the night. I’m trying to get a referral to a Psych Dr. This has been terrible and I am glad I found this app so at least I don’t feel so alone. I am lucky that I have a supportive wife and family. I am 49 and have been teaching for 20 years. I am physically active and have many hobbies. Now I’m getting so wound up in my head that I can hardly function. I missed work all week. I never thought this could happen to me. Right now (8am) my feet won’t stop sweating and I have no appetite. I’m going to try to be more active today. I’ll ride my bike on my trainer-it’s cold here today. I usually swim 3 days a week but I’m afraid I will have an attack in the pool because all I do when I swim is think....