Guy's I'm so scared I need help bad I really don't know what to do my body won't stop shaking n my head feels stiffed I can't sleep I just want this to stop!!
Skaking and head hurts : Guy's I'm so... - Anxiety and Depre...
Skaking and head hurts

Hi I'm rob have you tried counting backwards from 100 to try to relax
It can be from anxiety. Do you take meds for anxiety?
The doctor gave me hydroxyzine pAM but I'm too scared to take it what if it messes with my head more
I take fluoxetine I felt the same way about taking medication. I say give it a try . If it makes you feel worse stop it and call the dr . I know it's scary and I know you dont want to feel worse but theres a good chance you will feel better after taking it .
Do u think fluoxetine will help with my shaking ?
Try the meds you have been given, if they don't work go back to your doctor.
I'm not sure I know it helps me when I have panic attacks and anxiety. But medicine works different on different people . Like I said I think try the meds you have and if they dont work suggest to your dr the fluoxetine. But at least try it so u can tell the dr if it works for you or not .
Okay but I'ma try tomorrow when I'm with someone because I'm scared if something happens and I'm alone I hate medicine that make me drowsiness dizziness I just feel like it will mess with my head I get pernoid.. but your right I should see if it works.
Hydroxyzine is a antihistamine. If you can tolerate Benadryl, you can tolerate Hydroxyzine! They also give it to children for itching...

It's 25 mg do u think it would be super strong it's just I hate medicine that make my head feels stiffed
It really shouldn’t hurt you to at least try it and see if it helps. Your doctor obviously thinks you can tolerate it. Mine are 50mg and they do help my anxiety. They also aggravate my restless legs syndrome, so I’m not taking them. If you don’t have any trouble taking antihistamines, you should be fine. Wishing you the best!
I have had the uncontrollable body shakes before. I find providing some sort of stimulus to the body helpful, maybe try taking a warm bath or a hot shower. This won’t help with the sleep problem, but I think it could help with the physical symptoms you are feeling. I struggle with insomnia myself, I would first advise Melatonin- which hasn’t helped me but I have heard it’s been very helpful for other people. To relax my mind to the point of clarity I often read my book of quotes, or my word book - full of definitions of words I like. Could you find something you could read that may distract you from overwhelming thoughts and anxiety? Even reading about anxiety on the web could be comforting.
If nothing else works, i’m an insomniac myself and will be up for an undetermined amount of time if you would like to chat.
Omg yes talking to someone that similar to my problem will help so much It just my family thinks it's all in my head but they don't know what going on I just feel so alone and scared not knowing what to do I felt like no one understands I'm scared to take medication but I'ma try tomorrow and maybe buying a book and reading will help hopefully I just want to feel normal again it just scary to go through this alone.
Lay down and breathe, in 4 hold 4 out 4, It may make you a little light headed but that helps calm me down. I don't like meds either.
Trust m I tried but the skaking wouldn't stop I even tried to think calm thought and try to relax but nothing....
I just read your profile, I was 20 years old when i had my first episode and it was really really bad, I felt like giving up too at one point and I thought I would never get better, I had shakes and massive tension headaches, I thought I had a brain tumor, I had a ton of medication I saw a ton of specialists and tests after test, i even travelled over seas to see a specialist because i was sure i had some kind of health issues, I felt like I was dying. That was over 20 years ago, I managed to take control and choose life. Hang in there it will pass, i know while you are going through it, it seems like it will never stop and you can't control your thoughts and its so hard to calm down, I have been there keep trying, there is a lot of help out there.
It is scary to take medication. I’ll occasionally have terrors of what the medication is doing inside of my body, to the point where I panic and desperately try to get away from myself. But the truth is, medication has saved me. I can only speak to my own experiences and encourage others to make the best descions for themselves. That being said, meds, especially for my depression and anxiety level me out so I can breathe, and think relationally. I have constant paranoia of what they are doing inside of me and side effects that I may not feel until later in life. But I can say, at least to the point where I was, they saved me.
Sleep deprivation can really fuck with your head, in ways you may not even notice. I have been prescribed countless medications to help me sleep and have found them all unsuccessful, or unsatisfactory. It’s the anxiety I find that keeps me awake the most. Sometimes the fear of the dreams I will have. Insomnia, depression and anxiety are not anomalies, they are just rarely spoken about by the people who suffer from them. As you can see I am a rambler, but I just want you to know that I get it. You are not alone. Everything will be okay. I am here.
Okay I'ma start tomorrow to take this one medicine they gave me called hydroxyzine hopefully it helps cuz I need something to make it stop I hate being scared I hate shaking more when I lay down and try to sleep it just so hard to deal with this .I hope I get better like u did with your try so hard to not chicken out on taking this ugh but I have to do it .
Know that you are the one in control. You can start and stop it when you want to. I hope it works, but either way know that you have a community of people that are here for you. We are here to listen.
You could also try listening to relaxing music while trying to go to sleep. It helps me tremendously and is broadening my horizons as I’m listening to a different genre of music to help me sleep. Music is an integral part of my soul and I listen to it everyday without exception! It lifts me up and helps motivate me during the day and relaxes me at bedtime!