Hi. I'm trying to connect with people who are going through the same thing I'm going through, which is living with depression, anxiety and social phobia. I want to know how others cope with their conditions. I feel very lonely and do not have a lot of support outside of my therapist. I barely have friends and the very few friends I have live far away from me and don't know I have depression and anxiety. I feel like I'm failing as an adult and I'm lacking a lot of life skills due to my social phobia and anxiety.
New here: Hi. I'm trying to connect... - Anxiety and Depre...
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Welcome to the club.
Anxiety will bring on depression, you feel hopeless most days because of the symptoms and or fears. How long have you had this condition? Are you on medication to treat your symptoms and if so what are you taking ? Coping depends on what your fears are like be in a store provokes anxiety for some people therefore they avoid places.
I was formally diagnosed in 2000 but I have had social anxiety all my life. I think the depression happened as a result of it. I'm on lexapro and clonazepam, although I hate the clonazepam because it makes me groggy and does not relieve my anxiety. Lexapro has been the only medication that has worked for me and given me the least side effects. However, my therapist thinks it is time to adjust my medication as I have fallen back into severe depression and anxiety to the point where it is starting to affect my work and my daily routine. I just feel like something bad is going to happen or that I will do something wrong and people will judge me and/or laught at me. I feel inadequate and dumb around people and I can't hold a conversation too long as I don't have anything interesting to talk about. My life experiences have been minimal due to the constant fear and anxiety to try new things or meet people. I am very lonely right now and I don't know what else to do.
The 2 medications your on are typical , I guess let’s start out by asking why do you think people are judging you or laughing at you ? As for holding a conversation. Many people have that problem of feeling uncomfortable not knowing what to say. When I feel this way I deflect the conversation on the person I’m talking to and ask about there Career, hobby’s , vacations they’ve been on you’ll find they will open up on a more intellectual level with you. As you listen you my find a small part of them that interest you. I’m on a Bata Blocker for social anxiety and it works great. Type in on google atenolol for anxiety. Most Dr may look at you and say it’s for high blood pressure, if they tell you that just show the therapist educated him or her. As far as feeling lonely or alone 30 million people suffer from anxiety your far from being alone. I’ve had it for about 30 years. I’m just on Xanax the anti depressants caused weight gain and I’m not interested in compounding my problem. You’ll find comfort with this site as many people are in your position and you may find a coping skill that fits you. Anyway a hug your way John
Thank you. I don't want to feel lonely anymore and I need people I can talk to and relate with. I have read some of the stories from members here and I completely relate to them and understand what they are going through. Good to know there is a place where we can support one another.
I know we are not face to face that being said you communicate very well and are easy to talk with. I think after talking with people on this site will give you some confidence. You will be fine have faith in yourself .. you sound like a very likable person to me and articulate.
I can relate to friends living far away, it makes it harder to communicate and get social interaction without a ton of anxiety. I noticed my social anxiety getting much worse and I also feel like I'm failing to reach age appropriate standards. Sometimes what helps me is thinking that not everyone has the same linear path. Every interaction/decision we have and make within ourselves, another person, our environment, and the world is individual and can't be compared to anything else. There is always time to learn and adapt to social and life skills; I think it's great you're aware of this and notice how it effects your life.
Thank you for sharing!

I know! I feel like I'm 10 years behind in adulthood and life experiences. It's lonely when others around my age are in a stage of life that is expected for this age and I am still learning how to be independent and to live on my own.
I get you! There's a ton of pressure to relate to others our age/ form relationships around that, like I find different aspects of myself at different stages of development. While frustrating and lonely, you are not alone in your thoughts and anxieties. Be kind to yourself and meet yourself where you're at; comparisons are a slippery slope. You're not failing! You are trying