What medications are working for you? - Anxiety and Depre...

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What medications are working for you?

Nals profile image
8 Replies

What medications are you finding effective for anxiety and depression together? A nurse told me Zoloft and Lexapro can be effective for both. When I’ve tried these meds I experience unpleasant side effects including greater anxiety. What side effects are to be expected and tolerated especially for the first two weeks?

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Nals profile image
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8 Replies

I tried those too. I got those strobe light zaps going on them and coming off them. Zoloft made me feel terrible, really dark. Lexapro seemed to “work” for a while but since quitting them altogether, I feel much better, more clear headed. But I do hit lows and they are not fun. Normal lows. I think these meds are worth a try if you really need them. But know you can give them up and get back to living without them if they don’t work for you.

khardman21 profile image

Hi Nals, I’ve been on celexa for a few years now and it worked pretty well for a while. I got put on Wellbutrin in combination with that last summer and definitely felt an incredible difference in clarity and mood. Rather than having a serious mental break down every three months or so, i made it slightly over a year before having my next one with this combination. I can’t remember what it was like getting on Wellbutrin but the initial side effects of celexa were awful, major migraines and nausea

Chris3291 profile image

I’ve tried number of medications over the past three years and so far they all have some kind of effect, but have come with side effects that have made some more tolerable than others.

I started on Celexa and Xanax and neither had much effect. Then lexapro and Ativan. The Ativan has worked fine but I don’t like taking Benzos for long periods. Lexapro didn’t work well and the sexual side effects were a deal breaker. I then switched to Effexor, which worked great for managing anxiety and depression but it too had gnarly sexual side effects and over time, I gradually needed a higher and higher dose.

About 5 weeks ago I switched to Viibryd which in all honesty, hasn’t built up completely in my system yet but it has done a decent job of managing my symptoms and I’ve had almost no sexual side effects. Which is great cuz my wife and I are trying to conceive.

At the end of last week, I started seeing a psychiatrist rather than my PCP and he had me change my rescue/bridge med to Klonopin. It is way more potent than Ativan. Definitely knocks out any anxiety/ panic but so far makes me very sleepy.

It sucks, but everyone’s body chemistry is different and thus different patients will react differently to the same meds. It’s terrible having to change meds which often comes with withdrawals and renewed symptoms but remember we are stronger than our illness and coming out on the other side is all that matters.

Jferjamie profile image

Hi Nals,

After my major episode I was put on Ativan which didn’t do anything to help me. I was also dealing with chronic lower back pain so my GP put me on Cymbalta aand with Klonipin when i need it. Cymbalta makes me sweat.... a lot, but also helps with the pain and my brain.

in reply to Jferjamie

Hi Jferjamie!

I have serious sweating with Cymbalta too! Like you, it elevates my mood so I put up with it! It’s rather embarrassing at times! I’ve taken too many drugs during my time, so I cannot afford to switch around...not to mention my mood while doing the switching! Have a great day!

For me, I am unable to take SSRI’s such as Lexapro, because I get very anxious, have diarrhea and have vivid hallucinations. I am currently on Cymbalta and Lithium. Each person has different successes or failures with different drugs. I find it to be hit or miss, really. My most profound help comes from cultivating my spiritual life! This helps bring about the change and happiness I’m searching for. My 30 or so years of experience with mental illness shows me that the things I do to consciously help myself are proven to be more effective than medication! Using both further increase my chances of feeling better. I wish you the best!!

HeroOfChaos profile image

I take Mirtazapine & Quetiapine for my 3 disorders & they work for me

Lyn842 profile image

Everyone is so diff and meds work diff on everybody so its hard to advise. I am labeled "treatment resistant " so my meds change often. I've done dbt groups and even shock treatments which I really hated. Anyway, I've been on both of those meds at diff times and was ok. Reading about side effects can be really scary. I am on geodon and was petrified to try it because of the side effects, and one being a permanent one but after sharing my fears my Dr assured me to give it a try. Been a few months now and I've noticed nothing. Also on one I can't think the name of at the moment cause its even newer to me than the geodon . also on clonazepam for anxiety. Take them mostly at night to help sleep. Oh, and also cymbalta I hate taking so much but I have to control the swings. Even with all that I still have lows, sometimes severe. I once told my Dr I've been tempted to go off everything. He almost fell off his chair and STRONGLY advised me not to do that. So, on I go with my battle. Doing ok at present providing no triggers.

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