Lately, when my anxiety is especially high I get itchy all over my body. I have had an extensive allergy test done and I am not allergic to anything. It makes me feel like those dipictions of drug addicts in movies/shows. Anyone else get this feeling? Is so, how do you cope with it?
Anxiety: the physical affects - Anxiety and Depre...
Anxiety: the physical affects
Yes, I get that feeling! I have really done some damage to myself because of the itching, it's a really bad nervous habit for me. I usually try to distract myself, and instead of itching, I put lotion on or an icepack on. I also pet my dog and just do something else to distract my mind and body.
I'm honestly relieved to hear I'm not the only one. For some reason, it seems to get worse when I start sweating whether it be from running around at work (I work at Buffalo wild wings handing food out) or trying to excersize. I have found that swimming is the only excersize I can do because I can't feel my sweat. Thank you for your advice btw! Oh and the only bad thing about lotion for me is that I can't stand the feel of it. Also, do you have the itchiness all over or just in certain spots?
oh sorry to hear about this- I think I may get a littl of this sometimes-I thought maybe was a nervous system thing for me related to autoimmune issue? Flax seed oil, fish oil and magnesium help some with it! I have food sensitivities though and hormones can get out balance and think this could be part of it as well-so can be confusing! have you looked into bio identical hormone balance like not enough natural progesterone or estrogen too little or too much?or auto immune issues? Sometimes elimination diets can help some believe it or not- like for gluten, wheat, soy, corn or certain types dairy foods? even excess sugar?
oh and 1 other thing I just thought of along lines about hormones-is I remember reading something from a dr who studied a lot about people with things like anxiety, add, adhd, stress having excessive adrenaline and adrenal issues and this excess adrenaline always running through them causing these issues to be a lot worse? I thought was interesting & it's worth looking into!