When You Are Suicidal And Feel All Al... - Anxiety and Depre...

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When You Are Suicidal And Feel All Alone.

5 Replies

Hi Friend! So, no matter what has happened in your life so far, you have found yourself in a dark place. You feel all alone there. But wait, what's that? Oh, it is another person just like you, who is also in that dark place. We might as well just call it our Dark Island because we feel so separated from the world, dissociated or isolated. So we are out in the middle of nowhere on a dark and scary island. And we feel that we will never get off of it.

First of all, You are NOT alone! There are many of us here! Many things happened in our lives that led us here, too. And I know it seems hopeless. And you know what? Maybe it is and maybe things will not get better, but most of the time, they CAN and they DO. But if you do not stick around, you'll never know. So please stay. Because I am on this Dark island too and I need you. We all do.

No matter what your belief system, we are all human and we all came from the same place. It doesn't matter Where or from Who we came from: A Creator, Adam and Eve, another planet, Evolution, or whatever. The When, Where and Who From are irrelevant.

The only relevant things is that we are here, and we all came from the Same. You may not even know how you wound up here, or maybe you did. Maybe it happened quickly through a sudden traumatic event or loss, or maybe it crept up on you slowly and one day you just woke up in this dark place.

BUT, You are NOT alone!

What if I told you that we were all wearing sunglasses and that if we could somehow find a way to take them off, it wasn't so dark after all? Because metaphorically, that is actually the case. Depression and Suicidal ideation are filters of the Light. And that Light wants you to LIVE.

Yes, even now, Yes, even here, Yes, even through what just happened to you. Can I tell you why? Because you are a part of that Light, my dear friend. YOU are part of Magnificence. Just because you are uniquely YOU. There are gifts and talents that ONLY YOU can offer to this world. It has been proven that we need Variety on earth, and that is sometimes why we feel or are very different. Because we were MEANT to be. NO ONE ELSE can leave the imprint on life that you can. ONLY YOU!

Why are we here? To live, to learn and to express. To evolve. To experience. You are a Manifestation of Light.

Something wants YOU here. Yes, YOU in particular. Now. Something wants you to live. What or Who is that Something? The Light. Who or What is the Light? I do not know, but it does not matter. It does not matter what you believe that Light is, whether God, The Creative Consciousness, The Universe, Particles that just "formed" you, or Whatever. It does not even matter if you believe any of this or if you do not believe in the Light. It believes in You.

And it is not just the Light that wants you to live. It is me, it is the people on this forum, it others who have been through the same things as you; it your family, friends or pets, or maybe it is the children you haven't had yet, or the friends you haven't met yet, or that man or woman who is looking for a person JUST LIKE YOU to love. It is mental health counselors, social workers, activists, police officers and doctors. Most of these people would do their very best to keep you alive. And all may not. Not everyone in this world cares about one another. But most of them would. And they took up these particular careers because they care about people like you.

But where are all these people? You do not have a clue, and you do not know a single one of them. You are REALLY ALL ALONE, or that is HOW YOU FEEL. That is okay. Can I tell you a secret? Did you know that it would be OK if you never even met one of these people? Did you know that all that matters is that they are out there, somewhere? And maybe they do not know you or have never met you. But they have met your mindset. And they want you to know that you are not all alone. Did you know that for every suicide that happened successfully, it could have been prevented if the victim actually realized that there are people out there who care? For every suicide, SOMEONE cared. Yes, it is important to seek out these people. Yes, you should try to find them. Yes, that is what I want you to do. But what if you cannot find these people and you are still really, all alone?

Well, then that brings me to the next Secret. Since you are in this dark place, you may wonder, What is the point of life and of it all? Why should I go on with what I've done or what has been done to me? Why am I even here? And here is the answer: The point of life is for the manifested Light is to express itself, to find an expression, through YOU and I. You should GO ON because you are vital to that expression and because what It seeks to express through you is UNIQUE and like NO OTHER EXPRESSION in this Universe. You are here because you are vital for the Light to experience through you. Because that is the only way that it can.

Listen, even if you have messed up. Even big time. Even if you think you are not a good person. Even if you feel low and worthless. YOU ARE NOT. Why do bad things happen? Because every experience must be played out; the Light is infinite and must experience through all people, all places and all situations. The Light must experience both the good and the bad. Now this does not justify or condone bad things, but it does explain why they happen. There will be consequences if we make wrong choices. But we do not have to hurt ourselves over the mistakes we have made, or the mistake others have made. The Light will always forgive because the Light IS you.

We are all connected. When one single Light goes out on earth, there is a ripple effect felt through the fabric of life. If you decide to commit suicide and succeed, it will affect your friends, family, pets, strangers who see it on the news and many, many more.

You are NEEDED, you are LOVED, you are WANTED. Suicide survivors want you to know that life is worth It. I am one of them.



5 Replies
AmIHappy profile image

very nice! what u have written is very good!

Nice one!

in reply to AmIHappy

Thank you so much, AmIHappy! ; )

pink83737 profile image

needed this thank u

in reply to pink83737

Anytime!! ; )

I needed this too..Thank you

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