Does therapy really help? 🤔
Therapy : Does therapy really help? 🤔 - Anxiety and Depre...

I think it does! I went through two therapists that made me despise going and feel worse about myself, but then I switched to my current therapist. She is amazing and has made me feel validated. You just have to find the right one for you! It helps you really understand your thoughts though. At least for me, over half the time I have anxiety attacks, I don’t know why I am so worried, and my therapist has helped me deal with that.
It depends on who you are talking to! Look for open-mindedness and no judgment in a therapist or confide in someone who has these qualities!

Ok thanks!😉
Mine helps me but sometimes you need more? And that’s nothing to be ashamed of. I’m seeing a psych soon and I’m starting DBT services at another counseling office.

Oh ok. I am seriously considering it but didn't know where to start
I think it does. I went to many many therapists and never felt it helped. But then I found someone that does CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy). It has changed my life. It gives you ways to live with the issues, how to confront them, how to be more mindful. It takes some work with tracking behaviors at home and doing exposure work, but it is worth it! I was so anxious that I was scared of everything...I associated certain clothes, dishes, music, etc with my anxiety to a point where I could only use certain bowls, or wear certain shirts, because the others might cause anxiety. Those things still cross my mind, but don’t consume me as much...still working on it. Couldn’t have done it without CBT.
Thanks! Sounds like it are helped you. I will definitely give it some thought! 😉
Definitely think about it. My best advice is, don’t settle. Find someone who you mesh with, easy to talk to, you like their techniques and goals. It took me 15 years of settling for different therapists that just weren’t right for me...if it’s not working or doesn’t feel right, find someone new right away.
Yes, I think it does provided it is with the right person, and people put in the teamwork involved.