Having very depressed feelings as I look at life in general. Grateful for what I do have but as I hear how others are doing I'm doing sooooo bad!! I've got no car, no license, no job but will change in months, trying to survive on a disability check which isn't even possible. Without my mom paying for everything I'd be homeless. I do have a nice place and a scooter so trust me I'm grateful for those things. Suffering with so many mental health issues I can't even function day to day. So looking at life sometimes gets me down in the dumps!!! What hurts the most is having no dog as a best friend!! That's what kills me day by day😭😭 Hope everyone is having a great day!! Sorry for complaining. Just need to stop focusing on what I don't have and just keep being thankful for what few things I do have!!
Depression: Having very depressed... - Anxiety and Depre...

What I read sounded like a conversation as you wrote. Every negative appeared to counterbalance with gratitude...As for how you see others who appear much more together than you...
Fahgetaboutit! I was in the helping profession for 15+ years; nobody has it all together; some are just better at hiding their stuff than others!
I am 62, and this is the 1st time in my life I have not had at least 1 dog. I miss that companionship and love sooo much...trying to figure out a pet (bird?) that I could love and take care of...I so get that.
Oh your so awesome! Your so lucky to have a dog! They are the best treatment for depression!! I lost my best friend 7 years ago on memorial day so super depressed about that. Plus smoking has caused so much sagging around my face that I can hardly go outside!!! Everything is just horrible. I have 7 years sober so I can't drink my problems away anymore which sucks too. I think I'm just sick and tired of always having bad things happen and nothing good. Others are always being blessed for being rude jerks and I try helping everyone and constantly get used and treated like well ya know. Lol. I like that you helped others so many years. I look up to you for that kindness. Not enough of you in this world anymore!! Sorry I'm just feeling icky. Thanks for your kind words and support. Really great thanks
Do they allow cats?

No pets at all unfortunately.
Is their a local dog park you can hang around? Try and get some free pets and kisses. I ran into a German Shepard today while at the Home Depot. She gave me a big kiss. I asked her owners if I could say hi first. They were more than happy. The dogs name was beauty. That’s how I get my dog fix these days. My family can’t afford another dog.

Oh man I wish I was you being in front of that shepherd. I lost mine 7 years ago and have felt lost without her. She was lab shepherd mix. Great dog. I'm a gigantic lover of German shepherds!!!! Life would be freakin perfect if I had one again!!! I can't afford one either. There's dogs everywhere in this complex but a lot of these condos are owned but I'm renting this one😱😟
I am sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel worse. What about starting a dog walking business for the owners who can’t walk their dogs? It could be the best of both worlds. Getting help with getting out of the house and being paid to hang out with a dog.

Yeah maybe ill start asking around. Great idea. No need to be sorry cause I'm missing her right now cause I lost her on memorial day weekend of all weekends. Man it kills me everyday!!!! Never had a dog I loved like I loved her!!!
Hey you dog couldn’t hold a candle to my Lhasa Apso. We shall have to agree to disagree. They are both probably playing together where ever dogs go when they leave us. I loved my Lhasa. I knew what she wanted or needed just by looking at her. We were like as forest gump would say peas and carrots.

Lol that's awesome too. I knew Cheyenne like that too! I know how cool all dogs are! They all bring much needed happiness to all of our lives!!!