Hi My pictures using this phone are horrible compared to being there but these are the ones I took. I think I can only post one unfortunately....this is my mom. She would kill me if she knew she was on here!! Lmao.
Hike: Hi My pictures using this phone... - Anxiety and Depre...

You enjoyed it?

Yes its beautiful here!!!
Excellent! I might go on a short hike soon myself.
The photo is really nice.

Yes it was fun. Where do you live jimmy?
Northern Ireland.

Know someone else from Ireland!! Really beautiful there!!
Northern Ireland is a different country to Ireland. But yes it is beautiful.
Thank you

Be really cool to see Ireland in person. Would be amazing.
Go for it... Which parts?

All of it would be cool to see. I'd love to see Norway and Sweden as that's where my family is from.
I have been to Norway and Sweden, amazing places.
Lovely picture, lovedogs. Did you enjoy yourself? 😊🌻✌️
Fabulous photo...
Amazing you did it and enjoyed yourself
🎉🎉🌺🌺 xxx

It was quick but really neat and beautiful out!!! How ya doing Olivia??
It’s so lovely to hear you saw such lovely things outside. It’s the best ever, because what I find is that the thoughts of those beautiful things entice us to want to do it again and again eventually, because we know what beauty we have seen...and we want the experience again, even if it is so very difficult to go out,
I’m not bad. I went for a walk yesterday to a beautiful place. The sun was shining it was peaceful and really quiet.
Unfortunately today I’ve woken with bad anxiety I do generally wake with anxiety it’s awful. It does subside as the day goes on usually...
Rejoice in your great achievements and the beauty you have seen
I’m happy for you xx
Your mother is a very striking women. Great picture. Does she have those beautiful blue eyes like you? Thanks for sharing. xx
I know she's gorgeous and she's 71 and a half! Next to her I feel absolutely low and depressed. Not fun having a mom better looking than you are. Its always been really tough!! Lol. How ya doing agora???
You've got her genes lovely lady. She proves that aging is only a number. The beauty shows from within. x
Lol, unfortunately I look like my ugly father. I inherited the saggy face from smoking. But your a dear!!! Like you said beauty is within us. That's true beauty!!😀😀 She's DEFINITELY has great genes and her hard work has done her well. Her younger sister looks as good as her too. Ugh. How was your day??
I doing good. Thank you... Making dinner and watching for the stormy weather to hit Chicago for the 3rd day. Love the darkness and rain. x
Oh wow your in Chicago!! How nice!! Never been. Grew up in Washington state for 40 years and boy do I know about darkness and lots of rain. Lol. That's what Seattle is all about!! So glad you had a great day too!!