I had my first major depressive episode when I was 20. This made me take e a break from college, get better and move on. Roughly two decades on, I still struggle with anxiety and depression and have been on and off medicines. The one thing that stays with me is that somehow depression always feels like I am responsible for my state. Like people around you don't get it because there is no obvious physical manifestation and they feel I can shake it off. I feel like screaming when I hear this because I feel that this is just like any other ailment - diabetes, hypertension etc. all these diseases have a biological element and a lifestyle element. I only want this to be more accepted. There is no way I would use my real name here because I am afraid to be open about it. Do you feel this way too?
Whats the difference between depressi... - Anxiety and Depre...
Whats the difference between depression and say diabetes ?

Unfortunately there is still a lot of stigma attached to mental health issues though it is a lot better than it was. I don't have any answers I'm afraid. x
Yes I agree with you. I think it would be nice if people could walk in our shoes for one day....then maybe there would be more compassion! Like any other disease we didn't ask for this!!! Wishing you peace!!!
because of social stigma and ignorance, shaming and blaming....all this crap that has brainwashed society negatively towards dealing with mental health in the same way they do with any other disease. If you say...I have heart disease or diabetes....you get the sympathy card...if you say you have depression or anxiety...you get the 'doe in headlights' look, like they don't know which way to run....it's because anything to do with the mind must mean you can just simply deal with it by having an attitude or fortitude adjustment...'just get over it', 'Your just feeling sorry for yourself', just do something to lift your spirits', 'just straighten up your back', 'there are others in this world who are 'really suffering'....how many of these idiotic comments has any of us had to endure when trying to explain to a 'Lay' person our issues....my thoughts on this....don't talk to people about it....be more selective....only share with those who can relate. The reality is...this chemical imbalance in the brain is no more different than having heart disease or diabetes....we do what we have to do to treat it, whether it's with diet, exorcise, and or with medication...we do it to help us get healthier.
I used to feel like that. With time I have grown a thick skin towards the stigma. People are free to think and say whatever they want about me. I know who I am and how far I have come in my battle. No one can take that away from me with a label, words, or unkind actions towards me. Till they have walked in our shoes I doubt they could fully appreciate the invisible burdens we carry. I would tell you to ignore them but I know it still hurts when people are unsympathetic. Unfortunately people with mental illness are just in the unique position where we have to bear the wrongs done to us patiently with love and kindness. It took me many years to reach this place.

You are very brave. Look up to you !