For the past two weeks I have been waking up to terrible anxiety. My entire life I have struggled with being anxious, but for the past year or so I have been on Zoloft 75 mlg. I’m hope it’s just a bad few weeks with stress at work and Home. But maybe my body is getting used to my medicine? Does anyone else experience morning anxiety? It has me so nauseous I called out of work today.
Morning anxiety: For the past two weeks... - Anxiety and Depre...
Morning anxiety

Hi summer1993, morning anxiety is the worst for most of us including myself. It could be a possibility that the medication is no longer working. However if you are having some serious issues at work and home, that could be putting you over the edge.
Trying to work on your issues with a therapist or by yourself can help reduce your stress level. Also making sure you do some deep breathing and meditation to quiet your mind and body. If the nausea continues, it's always best to see your doctor. You are not alone with morning anxiety xx
Thank you very much! I have considered seeing a therapist but the thought of that gives me anxiety too. Sounds like it may be my next step though
Think of the therapist as someone who will guide you in making changes in your life that will reduce your stress and anxiety. When taking medication, therapy goes hand in hand in getting you back on track. Medication alone won't do it. You need to find ways and methods to work out your life issues before they become anxiety.
You just need a little help right now and that's okay. Of course, we are always here to walk with you in helping you find your way again. I use Meditation and Deep Breathing daily. I've accepted that Anxiety is a trick of the mind that leads to bodily symptoms but are not harmful.
Once we have the tools in our pocket, we can stop anxiety in it's tracks or reduce the symptoms from getting out of control. You're not alone summer. We care xx
Gosh, morning anxiety is the worst. I have it almost every morning, and it can be really hard to get myself up for the day. So I applaud you for that. I’m not on medication so I’m not sure if it has anything to do with it. I truck I’ve been doing is going for a walk first think in the morning. Idk if that works for you, but some form of cardio can help balance brain chemistry and all that. I also treat myself to coffee every time I go for a walk, so there’s that. Just hang in there
I have morning anxiety. Racing thoughts, racing heartbeats. It’s pretty awful. I’m sorry that you are going through this. The only thing that helps me is to breath in and out as slowly as possible. Breath in count to five, breath out counting to five. Tell yourself to take one minute at a time. Be gentle with yourself. I hope you feel better soon. Take good care.
I have awful morning anxiety. Some is chemical and some stems from trauma when I was younger thay happened in the am. Getting on the right dose of meds has helped tremendously!! I was on Wellbutrin and lamictal. Then my dr added Rexulti and my anxiety is GONE. It’s crazy. I also see a therapist to help work through the trauma. I, too, called in a lot and have been fired from almost every job I’ve had. I was considering filing for disability and then I started the Rexulti. So you may need a new adjustment.
Hi summer1993....Yes I also have the dreaded morning anxiety...I know how awful it feels...also drains u before u even get out of bed..some good advice here already...all I can do is get up put on a relaxation cd and do some deep breathing and it usually calms me...Good Luck x
I do too. I can't even take a nap and i wake up anxious. I can't handle this crap anymore. I have dealt with it since my 20's but now that i"m older it's worse and harder to fight and deal with.