I slept horribly last night.... so stressed I feel beyond ill.... pain everywhere.... Feel like could be sick.... chest tight.... I have to leave for work soon ... don't know how I'm going to. Don't want to work with that lady after she talked to me that way. Doubt my boss or manager will have my back.... haven't heard from anyone. I don't know what to do.... I didn't even want an agrument... was really trying to roll with it.... 😭😢😭😢😢
just can't : I slept horribly last... - Anxiety and Depre...
just can't

Don't go to work! You deserve a day off my dear!!! Go for it!!! Love ya!!! XXX

Wish I could.... my manager can't work Tues... have no clue if my coworker talked to manager or boss. Plus eventually will have to deal with this.... I hate agruing ... fighting... 😢
Love too
Don’t argue or fight. If anyone is confrontational to you, tell them they are being confrontational and that you choose not to engage is this sort conversation. Tell them endless they choose a different tone and different words you will no longer communicate to them, than escalate this to you manager. Tell the manager you will no longer communicate with this co worker until this person learns to respect you.
Make it that easy. You may need to repeat this a few times with this person because you are choosing to have a different relationship with this person but so be it.
Luckily she came in & apologized right away. We discussed it, both said sorry & want to put it behind us. 😧 My body still hurts... hate what stress does to you.
That’s great that you both can move on now! Good job dealing with it instead of avoiding it. Proud of you! 😉
Thanks😊 I'm glad it went well... having tension at work is never fun. How have you been?
I’ve been good for the most part. I’ve decided to stop drinking for awhile because I think it increases my anxiety and depression. Had a falling out with a friend because of it and have been feeling kind of paranoid. We are good now. I just had a major overreaction I think because I was drinking at the time.
For some reason I can’t get over this paranoia that everyone is a liar. It just seems like no one is ever really who they say they are. I hate that feeling because I have always had the rose colored glasses about people, giving them the benefit of the doubt. Now I can’t tell who to give that to and who not to trust. This even includes close family and friends... maybe it’s my anxiety, I’m not sure.