so...I have one month to get better - Anxiety and Depre...

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so...I have one month to get better

roseanxiety profile image
29 Replies

So I leave for a study abroad trip in Spain in about three weeks. Before my panic attack two weeks ago, I was SO excited. Now, with my anxiety still lingering, I am desperate to do anything to at least reduce it or get better control. Ill be in Spain for two months, away from my family so its essential for my happiness there that I can recover as best possible before then. Now, its hard for me to stay overnight in my apartment by myself so I've been staying with my parents. Being across the world for two months will be difficult if I can't improve. Ive made a lot of progress since my initial attack, and haven't had attacks since, just bad uncomfortable waves of anxiety that come and go. I take supplements, have quit caffeine and trying to exercise and eat better more. I have thought about doing some therapy sessions before my trip, and I have heard about CBT. Do any of you suggest it? OR what else can i try?

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roseanxiety profile image
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29 Replies
roseanxiety profile image

I have never had one ever before! I am 21 and it was my first one. My sister had one before but the next morning she felt fine, which I thought would happen to me but instead i kept having anxiety throughout the days. I was having a tough time at work a week before it happened, and I used to drink a lot of coffee and not get much sleep. but I've quit my job, quit caffeine and sleep more so now I don't know how else to get rid of it.

Dananxiety profile image
Dananxiety in reply to roseanxiety

Rose, I had three major panic attacks leading up to hospital stay over labor day. Thought I was having heart attack or stroke. They told me it could take 2-3 weeks for my heightened senses to come back to normal. Hang in there, distract yourself, and try not to ruminate about the trip.

jkl5500 profile image

Are you familiar with Claire Weekes' book "Hope and Help for Your Nerves"?

I recommend you get it and bring it with you on your trip. You can see videos on Claire Weekes on YouTube.

roseanxiety profile image
roseanxiety in reply to jkl5500

hi! yes, i actually bought it about a week ago, someone else recommended it to me on here. a lot of her techniques do help. but sometimes its hard to tell if I'm truly accepting my anxious feelings or if I'm just telling myself i am? because i still get really scared even when i try not to be, because the feelings are just so uncomfortable.

jkl5500 profile image
jkl5500 in reply to roseanxiety

I've had panic attacks in the past , and I know what it's like to be SCARED. Really scared. So scared you're sure you're gonna die. THAT scared.

But since I've come out the other side, so to speak, it's perfectly clear what Weekes wants you to do. You'll never master your illness until it doesn't matter whether panic occurs or not. If it happens, you have a plan that will handle it, so there's no need to dread it. Ever.

That's her book in a nutshell. Be sure to take it with you. It can't hurt.

roseanxiety profile image
roseanxiety in reply to jkl5500

Do you recommend reading the entire book? Ive read about the first 40 pages.

jkl5500 profile image
jkl5500 in reply to roseanxiety

I don't have the book anymore, but as I recall it wasn't that long. I know you're in a hurry to read and digest the book, because you want relief right NOW. But the main theme of the book is that you have a method to handle panic attacks should they arise, so there's no need to fear them. It's like a fire drill when you were in grade school. If a real fire took place, you'd know what to do.

Panic attacks can be so terrible, that you can spend the rest of your life trying to avoid triggering another one. That's what most people do, and it only prolongs your suffering. When you have the knowledge and confidence to deal with a panic attack, it doesn't matter if it occurs, because you know what to do.

roseanxiety profile image
roseanxiety in reply to jkl5500

Okay. thanks for all the advice. Do you believe its possible though for panic attacks/anxiety to not come back again after enough time passes and i use all the techniques she says? because she refers to her techniques as a cure. I guess I'm just looking for hope. If theres hope that i can really be myself again then i will want to continue more i think

jkl5500 profile image
jkl5500 in reply to roseanxiety

I know you want to go back to the "good old days", when this awful stuff never happened, and you never even knew about it. But it's part of your memory now, like it or not, and it's just a matter of dealing with it successfully. We can't erase bad memories from our brains. Those memories are part of us now. It's up to us to adapt and grow and get past them.

The process to deal with this is simple, and it definitely can be done. It's a cure in the sense that it won't matter if a jolt of anxiety or panic occurs in the future because you will handle it now. You will lose your "fear of the fear", and stop looking over your shoulder, so to speak. You will simply live again, because you can handle whatever life throws at you.

roseanxiety profile image
roseanxiety in reply to jkl5500

Ok, all I can do is at least try to get there. Even with it in my memory, not being afraid of it anymore is better than being afraid. at least ill be stronger because of it. Thank you so much:)

tamka38 profile image
tamka38 in reply to roseanxiety

I been having panic attack’s since my teen Year’s I don’t have panic attack’s no more I just be anxious a lot and afraid of almost everything my safe place is my home I hate am like this because I want to enjoy my life and be happy

tamka38 profile image
tamka38 in reply to roseanxiety

U will get through this

roseanxiety profile image

Yea thats my main thing, when i get anxious its because I'm anxious about being anxious. I do practice positive self talk but the anxiety still comes. maybe i just need time for my mind and body to go back to normal, hopefully thats it.

roseanxiety profile image

Thats true. I know we can't rush it. and i know panic attacks aren't physically bad for us, its more the uncomfortable-ness and fear i hate about them. I just hope in a months time its possible to recover if I do everything Claire Weekes book says.

Kate_M13 profile image

I don’t know if his would help you, but for me, if I start to get anxiety about a particular situation, I walk my self through the “and the what” scenarios - meaning, what’s the worst that could happen? Ok, AND THEN WHAT? Usually it leads me down a path of realizing that anything “bad” is manageable. For generalized non- specific anxiety attacks I usually call a friend who knows me and my issues and ask them to talk to me - that helps distract me long enough until I start grounding again. Also - WATER. Weirdly simple, but a big glass of water always helps

MadMaryXXX profile image

What is CBT ?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

roseanxiety profile image
roseanxiety in reply to MadMaryXXX

yea! I've heard it helps some people.

Elaine1963 profile image

Yes, CBT! Going to therapy tomorrow. Yes, I have to move quickly through recovery or at least obtaining coping tactics.

I go wherever my husband goes. He had a meeting last night with a men's club and I went to see friends house. I chickened out at the last minute but congrats on staying in your apt 😃

Exposure therapy is also good and that's what you did girl, awesome!

roseanxiety profile image
roseanxiety in reply to Elaine1963

thanks! the night after i got anxiety again and went home to my parents, but last night i stayed in my apartment again and it was fine! baby steps!

Elaine1963 profile image
Elaine1963 in reply to roseanxiety

You are encouraging to me. I will share the CBT with you after I see the therapist. I do not want to get my hopes up to high but I am glad I am going.

roseanxiety profile image
roseanxiety in reply to Elaine1963

Thats great that you are going, I'm proud of you! therapy seems to really help people. I wish i had more time to do that too. Definitely let me know how it goes!

tamka38 profile image
tamka38 in reply to Elaine1963

CBT works great it help me a lot i thought I didn’t need the help no more so I stop now I need to start over

roseanxiety profile image
roseanxiety in reply to tamka38

you should! its not too late to try again!

tamka38 profile image
tamka38 in reply to roseanxiety

U right I really need help because I’m drinking everyday because of anxiety and depression

roseanxiety profile image
roseanxiety in reply to tamka38

drinking actually can worsen anxiety, since i stopped drinking my anxiety has gotten so much better. i know how we can think it will help and how being drunk numbs the pain, but the hangover after only worsens our anxiety and depression.

tamka38 profile image
tamka38 in reply to roseanxiety

Am having withdrawals right now and feel awful

tamka38 profile image

I smoke too when I drink am able to get out the house and do stuff but the next day my anxiety and depression is through the roof

Elaine1963 profile image

Hi, I am not a doctor but I have anxiety and I have dealt with it for 30years. My saving Grace has been distractions with homeschooling 2kids while hubby drove a truck to support us. My point is after the empty nest and the loss of 2family members my anxiety has increased and I don't want to be alone at the house.

I do not drink or smoke, I use to. I get rest at night and if I feel edgy I will take a Benadryl or melatonin 5mg.

It does make a difference to confront this mess anxiety and conquer it.🦋

drummerboy1 profile image

i pray for your mental health and your safety abroad.sounds like you have a pretty good handle on your panic and how to deal with it/just take 1 day at a time...think positive to yourself/no negative vibes/tell yourself all the good things that you will experience going abroad and pray and take alot of pictures great food/have some good wine and you will sleep like a baby and you will enjoy your trip 4 sure///gods speed to you and have a great time/just as a side note/if you go to bars always keep your drink with you/there are mean/ugly men out there that will slip a ruufy into your glass when your not paying attention and you basically pass out and you will be a victum of something not good/i had it done to me once and ill never let it happen again/thank god the bar called me a taxi to get not trying to be a bad news guy/just sharing an experience......

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