I’m 54 and suffered since I was 12. Very long story and history. I am being treated for depression but have no relief. I’m about to ruin my marriage because I want my husband to understand and comfort me. I feel so alone. I usually can get away from suicidal thoughts, but I am so tired..... this hurts worse than any physical pain. I can’t find a happy thought anywhere anymore.
New here but not to depression - Anxiety and Depre...
New here but not to depression

I'm sorry your hurting, it's a terrible pain to be suffering and feel there is no one that understands. A lot of us here have been there, and many of us still have the lows from depression even with medication and therapy. But if you are getting help then maybe you can talk to your doctor and let them know you need more done, that it's not helping you. There is no need to suffer if you don't have to. I do take antidepressants, some here don't and have managed through other means.
I'm new here but I just wanted you to know that I hear you. I am struggling with having the people in my life understand too. Thank you so much for sharing. Knowing that others are out there does make a difference. I hope it does for you too.
I am new here, but want you to know that I understand what you are going through.
I totally hear you! Been there, done that, got the stupid t-shirt!
I can’t say this enough... tell your doctor or Psychiatrist! SPEAK UP!! Be your own advocate!!!! This is 2018...no one should have to suffer like what you’re describing. We have decoded human DNA, and even put a man on the moon! I think we can fix these feelings you have. Speak up and have faith! I wish you the best!
Keep reminding yourself this is just one part of your life. as others have said, get help! Depression no longer has to be hidden!