Looking back, I guess my anxiety has been with me since childhood, but it really didn’t take over my life until I was an adult in graduate school. I was so naive going into my Ph.D. I had no clue how the stress of productivity would weigh me down. I had no idea how impostor syndrome would paralyze my job searches, as it is doing now.
I finished my degree with the help of therapy and pharmaceuticals, and gained the confidence to get a fellowship. As soon as I landed in a new lab, that’s when impostor syndrome really took hold and never let go. I’m now in a second fellowship and it’s becoming a sad holding pattern.
I need to take the next step in my career, and I am so afraid. I can’t stand the idea of my productivity being judged by panels of experts. Being scrutinized, is bad enough, but in a competitive environment, when only 5% of biology PhD’s get a tenure-track position, that compounds my fear.
I also have a family to support- I am currently the main provider for my family. And how they have sacrificed for me! Failure is not an option.
I am struggling with paralysis, but few people even notice because I hide it so well. The only people who know about my crippling anxiety are my husband, and therapist. They both are so supportive, but I need more help.
I’m here looking for a wider support network. I’m grateful that there are others like me here- it’s comforting.