What was the nature of it? To what extent did you experience it?
Has anyone else experienced physical ... - Anxiety and Depre...
Has anyone else experienced physical pain as a result of depression/ anxiety?

sure....I used to get heartburn....and headaches.....
Yeah, like a lot.
Thanks for your response. What kinds of things if you don’t mind my asking. I’m having a lot of stomach stuff and hoping I’m not alone in this.
Similar symptoms here, heartburn, chest pain, difficulty breathing, nausea, and dizziness. Each of these symptoms made me think there was something wrong with me physically. The chest pain and difficulty breathing made me think there was something wrong with my heart. Last weekend I had another attack and ended up in the hospital so they could thoroughly check out my heart. Turned out there was nothing wrong with my heart, so my symptoms must have been panic. Now to figure out how to tell the difference......
You should see a therapist. Therapists can help you to differentiate between them, and how to deal with panic attacks, or how to reduce your anxiety. Getting help is really important.
But if you’re already with one, tell your therapist about that.
I'm in the process of psychoanalysis with my doctor. I've kept both him and my primary care doctor up to date with all of it. Women often have different symptoms from the most common ones when they are having a heart attack, which is what makes it difficult sometimes to know the difference between a heart attack and a panic attack. It's a little scary even though I've had my heart checked. I sure don't want to just ignore a real issue with my heart.
Thank you for your advice. There are so many wonderful people on this site. I'm really glad I found it.
Chest pain. Psychological issues tend to manifest as physics symptoms. For example in my case I had to see a cardiologist to make sure it wasn't a murmur or anything. I was pretty young when it began.
I get palpitations, fast heart, tingling hands and feet, heaches all the time, muscle tension, chest pains, shortness of breath, tiredness/fatigue, periods of nausea and other pain. Some may not be pain but it’s definitely uncomfortable. Depression definitely causes bad fatigue with me and its not painful, but it’s such a horrible feeling
I have experienced migraines, lower back pain, neck pain, and tightness between my shoulder blades. That seems to be fairly common with those of us with depression and anxiety. Others suffer with other joint and muscle pains.
I always get pains randomly,twitching, headaches, loss of appetite, tingling in hands and feet
Sure.....neck and back pain. All kinds of gastric pain. Better now.
I have had anxiety and depression for more than 20 years. In September of last year I got an episode of tachycardia and I've gotten a few others since then. Sometimes the heart races, but not as fast. This feels so bad. They checked out my heart many and they say my heart is fine. But I have mitral valve prolapse and regurgitation and they say that is not a problem. For the past 3 years I've felt like I'm not getting enough oxygen and it got worse after the tachycardia. I'm going to have a sleep test done. I've been to the pulmonologist and she did some tests and says that my lungs are fine. I have nodules in my thyroid and the lymph nodes in my neck get swollen many times. They did a biopsy many years ago of the lymph nodes in my neck and everything came out ok. They even did a CAT scan last year and it came out ok also. Also I have pain in the middle of my chest (not a really bad pain but it is uncomfortable). I now have arthritis in my hands and pain in my hip and other orthopedic problems but I think that is not related to the anxiety and depression. What has kept me positive is going to church. There is always hope to get better. I try to walk a little each day and I know I have to go out more besides going to places I need to go to like the doctors, supermarket, etc.
I 've had abdominal pain.many neck problems associated with stress. List goes on. What issues r u having
I also have abdominal pain, pains in my sides and chest, muscle soreness/ heaviness, pains in my hips and back, neck pain, headaches, nausea, racing heart. I get hot/ cold flashes, and sometimes I think I can feel adrenaline washing over my insides- like the way you can sometimes feel a sip of water go all the way down. I see a therapist who just referred me to a psychiatrist to discuss medication.
Your water sip is a great description I never put into words .Good job.I also get a strange feeling of a bowel moving even when your not going.makes your lower back contract.dont know y
Yeah, I do get migraines, regular headaches as well as chest pain, as if I could literaly feel my heart breaks inside of me... My first therapy session is tomorrow, I am very hopeful... Sending well wishes to you all! xo
Chest pain, stomach pains, constipation, headaches, dizziness, fatigue, hot flashes, etc etc etc. You're not alone. My problem is that I dont know if its side effects from the meds, or just symptoms of the anxiety and depression, or who knows what. Its hard to blow it off, or for me it is anyway. Im constantly wracking my brain trying to figure out how to get these feelings under control and haven't been able to do so. Wishing you better luck.
In my experience, it goes both ways. I have been treated for depression for 20+ years, and with it I have experienced headace and neck pain mostly, and I would say, that, in general, the intensity of pain would vary with my mood. I have also experienced arthritic pain which contributed to my depressed mood; most notably in the two year period between the time I started to have hip pain until I could have hip replacement surgery (the Dr. said I had slight arthritis, but not severe enough to warrant surgery,) My mood lightened dramatically by the time I finished rehabilitation. More recently, my depression symptoms been elevated in the grief process, having lost my 52 year old son, just 3 weeks ago. When I am reqally low the headache is oppressive. I hope this helps.
Some of the worst pain I have ever experienced. In the chest, throat. I have hadbroken noses, several injuries and surgeries from sports. Broke my hand, fractured skull, stitches.. About100.
Nothing as bad as depression and anxiety.
Stress and anxiety brought on by abuse and other other pretty awful factors since a young age has left me with very extreme diverticulosis, which, yes, can cause a great deal of abdominal pain.
If you are having similar symptoms, I can tell you that drinking enough water is something tbat is very important. It may protect you from further complications if that is in fact what is going on in your gut.
Obviously, it would be very irresponsible for any of us to try to diagnose one another, so really, please see your doctor, but making sure you are drinking 16 ounces (or about 500ml) of water 3 to 4 times a day is NOT going to hurt you, so I ha e no trouble telling you that much.
This is not something you want to play around with. It could potentially lead to having to have a section of your large intestine removed, and potentially needing to live with a colostomy. It hasn't come to that in my case, YET, but I'm still only 49. :/
yes. I get headaches from anxiety but what feels like physical heartache and a heavy tummy from being really depressed