Hey. Just wanna know what are the causes of anxiety and depression? I have posted my potential reasons in my previous posts. Kindly tell me what you'all think and what are the reasons that you think cause anxiety and depression. In my case it was from middle adolescence.
Causes of anxiety and depression. - Anxiety and Depre...
Causes of anxiety and depression.

Nature and nurture.... it's a mixed bag.
You are young. For me I am anxious about my studies, my cooking and it could be anything. It is like rumination. I take several drugs to keep the rumination under control. Right now I am off trazodone which was given for sleep. The other drugs I take are thankfully enough to give me a good night's sleep.
Yeah, same way I am anxious and was since 15 or something and it grew ever since. I was a topper in studies at the cost of my health and all. Now I know just scr*w it. I will become a great guitarist and will study besides for backup option. That's my plan. I don't know if I will be financially well but I will see whatever will come. Will take care of my health and LIVE!
That’s a loaded question and varies widely. Off the top of my head, I would say trauma, abuse, grief, isolation, bad childhood (receiving minimal/improper guidance as a youth) unhealthy relationships, lack of coping skills, negative thinking, lack of life purpose, self pity, low self esteem, lack of motivation, lack of confidence, lack of proper social skills, lack of physical and mental activity, lack of creative outlets, lack of knowledge and education, poor physical health, improper diet and nutrition, substance abuse, economic factors, environmental factors, geographical factors, genetics, improper learned behaviors and thought patterns. And pandemic lockdowns. I’m sure there are lots more to but this is all that comes to mind.

Woa woa! So many reasons! Are these common reasons or you went through it?
no I’ve only suffered one or two, just giving you generalized list of things that came to mind in my dealings with other sufferers, thought that’s what you were asking, hope no one suffers from the entire list but I do think they are common cause/effect reasons for A&D.

Then okay. Yes, no one should suffer from all these. Got it. 👍🏻
I think the reasons can vary. I can only speak for myself. Mine was caused by trauma.
Gosh that is an open ended question, where do you think your issues stem from?
Not sure what the future holds especially when you've experienced a lot things in the past. Just thinking that it might repeat itself.
ok....my anxiety and depression have many different layers...Currently my depression is caused by the weather season...the job...the holidays a little bit....just ordinary every day things...best example I can give right now is going to work in the dark and leaving work in the dark...gets very depressing when all of the daylight hours are spent literally and figuratively in prison....days off don't help because I'm spending most of my time off catching up on the things that i neglected over the 60 hour work week...try to do fun things but sometimes it is near impossible...dont have the time or energy.....my anxiety is totally created by my work environment but creates even more issues outside of work...at work the anxiety never stops....but certain things exacerbate it....will i be exposed to dangerous drugs....will i be exposed to violence....will i be a victim of violence...there are just so many different layers to my work anxiety...can't explain them all...unfortunately my work environment affects my home life....always on alert....always worried that something will happen....get in get out.....it's hard to enjoy life when you are constantly worried about impending doom. Cognitive distortions are real....
Hey, man! I feel you. This same shit is happening with me in my studies. But now I have taken a break from all for one year. It is helping. But still. The anxiety that you are getting at work and avoiding work - same symptoms I had and have but now they are getting better. You have to pat yourself on the back for making each day worth living. We can chat more in dm also.
although I know there are a lot of youtube videos and such....wish you were closer so you could teach me the guitar
Yeah, sadly that's true. I speak from my own experience. Online youtube videos are sh*t. Having a tutor in real life is so good. Even if it is live interaction with tutor on video call. I learned guitar by real tutor only. I had started since like in 2014 in 4th grade.
I just want something/someone that will show me the basics...have wanted to learn for a long time
I can teach you if you want. But that will not be as real as I learned when I was small. But I can teach you virtually.
"The causes of anxiety disorders aren't fully understood. Life experiences such as traumatic events appear to trigger anxiety disorders in people who are already prone to anxiety. Inherited traits also can be a factor." mayoclinic.org/diseases-con...
"It's not known exactly what causes depression. As with many mental disorders, a variety of factors may be involved..." mayoclinic.org/diseases-con...
I often end up thinking that nothing matters, but yet I know that everything is connected. Absolutely overly simplistic, but I like many of the ideas expressed by Sebastian Junger in Tribe that a lack of tight knit communities and a lack of purpose leads to more depression. I also think that Sebastian Junger for not having a smartphone is quite intelligent. Daniel Amen and others like to talk about the importance of ANTs, that is Avoiding Negative Thoughts, and Iike Yuval Noah Hararis thesis that the shift away from the hunter gather lifestyle to farming led to a worse diet, more susceptibility to diseases, and smaller brains.
Mine stems from childhood trauma.
I think that they come from thinking errors that can be introduced in many ways. Trauma causing you to judge worth wrongly, perfectionism seeking worth through actions, all or nothing thinking, and some others I can't remember. From David Burns's "Feeling Great"
SO many things can be responsible for having Anxiety, & or Depression as these posts indicated. For me, I have been Anxious since birth & on & off through the years. I am now in my late seventies --Way older than you, but I do know most likely what caused mine was in part inherited (Much trauma in my Grandparents lives due to religious persecution, & probably their Genes)! My Mom was a Very nervous person & she admitted that to me how Scared she was when I was a baby. I grew up in a loving, but Extremely anxious household! I had OCD as a child now looking back, but didn't get diag. till my late 50's! I had Panic attacks by the age of 20! I didn't get any proper help for Years bc in those days one just "sucked it up," due to the Horrible Stigma. Also, No doctor's knew how to treat any of these disorders, there was No help out there --no books, no proper meds, No talking about mental health as there is today. We, long ago, Suffered in Silence! So, I would say, it was Nature & Nuture for me! Over the years, I have learned, in part to manage my Anxiety, and sometimes depression better through therapy (came kind of late, but better late than never)! I do take meds. to ease the Anxiety --sometimes it works, sometimes not. Have had A lot of setbacks. The last three years have been Extremely Stressful as I lost my Sig. Other last Nov. (we were together for 27 years --he was my Anchor, my person --not a day goes by that I don't miss him & cry --crying now as I write this)! Lost my Mom two years ago --she was, also, my Anchor. These two people I miss Dearly. So, the causes are many & varied & different in ways for A lot of us. Healing wishes for All of us.
First of all, even though I don't know you. I am gonna say I am proud of you to make it this far!! Tell yourself this too. I cannot imagine also how painful it must be for you. Sorry to hear that. Yes, better late than never! You will get better like I am also by learning skills, therapy, meds etc. In my case music helps me a lot. Do find out what helps you the most. It could be any little thing. Like taking a hot water bath or deep breathing etc. Anything that helps is good and increases it is bad. We have to learn how to handle the bad instead of running away (I meant in my case because that's what I do). But I am getting better. I wish all of you get well soon.
Thank you for you empathetic reply. Yes, sometimes, I do wonder how I got through All those years of not knowing what was going on, and not getting any help, or not proper help. I am So glad that you are getting better, and finding things that are helping you. Deep breathing really helps A lot & I do that everyday, few times a day. I need to do more little things to help me especially when I start to overthink, and to ruminate, and negative thought start to take over.
Lack of any emotional connection as a child and serious illness as a preteen.
With me it was life events, sexual abuse. Which intern altered my thinking, and actions. later turned into clinical depression. So our thinking over time can change our body chemistry which can cause long term depression. I learned over a very long period that if I forgive myself and others this too changes my body chemicals for the better, Our thoughts over long periods will cause depression. Ray.
How long has it been?