A little about me: Hi guys, I'm new... - Anxiety and Depre...

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A little about me

applesforever2020 profile image

Hi guys, I'm new here. I am a 26 year old female who suffers from clinical depression, OCD, and body issues. I am fairly attractive, getting a good education, and have a loving family. I feel like I have no right to be depressed, but I feel so alone. I have been searching for love for the past year and have gone through some terrible experiences. I am hoping to find people who are not scared off by someone who is complicated. Thanks for reading!

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applesforever2020 profile image
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16 Replies
fauxartist profile image


cassie5 profile image

Hi! I’m here

applesforever2020 profile image
applesforever2020 in reply to cassie5

Thank you Cassie! So nice to know so many people are out there like me

dark-laur profile image


Some people need to feel connected to others and it's okay, it's a human need. Some people feel good having superficial relationships with several people, but others even with a lot of people around them feel lonely.

I'm one of those people, I like people that I really can have a bond and who make this world less lonely for me.

I can be complicated, and sometimes it's hard for me to accept it, but what I admire most in other people is the ability to be understanding.

I have social anxiety and is difficult to look for a love, but a real love would be my life goals.

You're not alone

applesforever2020 profile image
applesforever2020 in reply to dark-laur

Hi! Thank you so much for your post. I have such a hard time really connecting with people because they tend to get scared away by my problems. I am also one of those people that craves a few really significant good people in my life. I do have my family, who is massively understanding. I just want to find someone who does understand and isn't scared away by my issues. Thank you for the support :)

erin_c profile image

Hi there! Welcome. I am similar to you but about 20 years ahead and have been married to a man who is loving but also complicated, and faithful to love me in my issues too. It's possible! I understand that feeling about not "having a right to be depressed" but sadly it's the brain we've been given that leads us to feel this way, and we don't have much choice in the matter. We can use tools that help...medication, therapy, exercise, meditation, good support system etc. but it's hard still. I've been enjoying a podcast called "the hilarious world of depression" where comedians, entertainers, creatives share their own experiences. It's just refreshing to know we're not alone in this illness. It's not something can just be overcome and turned off.

applesforever2020 profile image
applesforever2020 in reply to erin_c

Thank you so much Erin! I am going to check out that podcast. It is so nice to know that there is other people out here like me. I sometimes see how shallow my generation is and wonder if anyone will be able to deal with my problems. Thank you for letting me know that there is hope and for the welcome. :)

cassie5 profile image

We can be here for each other on this. Sometimes it’s easier to talk to people you don’t know. You won’t be judged here and you can freely say what is on your mind. I feel the same, I’m an attractive girl but feel like no one will like me as I’m not as thin as other people. But I think that when you feel good about yourself that shows outward and that is attractive. Some one who is kind and thoughtful and selfless are beautiful qualities. Putting some good vibes out there should only attract good vibes back. 💖

applesforever2020 profile image
applesforever2020 in reply to cassie5

Hi again Cassie! Can I just say how nice it is to have a place where people not only accept your problems and don't immediately think it's too much, but also relate to your problems. I am also not as thin as I would like to be, and feel very self conscious most of the time, even though I get male attention and know I am fairly attractive. I try to be nice and in every relationship I have I try to be a good and supportive person, but I cannot stop feeling like my problems get in the way. I am working on not letting these things get in my way and accepting myself. I completely agree that good qualities are more valuable than looks! This is something I will have to keep repeating myself. Please know I am sending good vibes your way! <3

Hello there, I'm new here as well. Looking for help and talking about what we have issues with is definitely the first step to get better. I also have a loving family but I don't wanna bother them with my state of mind as they have a lot to go through as well. Let me know if you wanna talk about your condition. Sending positive vibes your way! xo

applesforever2020 profile image
applesforever2020 in reply to WanderingSoul1306

Hi Leticia,

I would love to talk more. I think a problem with many people who have depression and other issues is that our friends and families do not understand our problems. My mother is very supportive but the rest of my family does not really understand. As for friends, they are more concerned with just having a surface relationship and often don't want to be "bummed out." Unfortunately that is a trait I run into a lot with people my age. I did finally acknowledge that I do have depression and it is not just me being a negative or a difficult person and finally reached out to my family and am starting to get help. Like you said, I did not want to bother them with it, especially since there has been a lot of death in my family this year. But I do feel that a weight has been lifted since I opened up to them. They no longer just see me as being selfish or lazy or negative. Now they can acknowledge that it is a condition that makes living your day to day very difficult sometimes. I think that your family probably loves you a lot, and talking to them about your problem will let them get to know the real you and understand you even more. I have realized that this is something I have to combat on my own, but my family (especially my mom) has been really supportive and it has made working on myself much better. I would love to talk anytime! Sending good vibes your way and letting you know you are not alone!! :)

Choosejoy profile image

Welcome! I think you will loke it here. Depression often has nothing to do with our circumstances. Sometimes it's just the way we are wired. If you haven't already, I would suggest getting professional help. I have done that a few times in my life time and was always glad I did. Take care.

applesforever2020 profile image
applesforever2020 in reply to Choosejoy

Thanks choosejoy! I actually am seeing a counselor now for help. Just taking it one day at a time. I agree that depression and other disorders can often be due to the way we are wired, but also think that other conditions and causes can also contribute. In my case, I think it may be both. Thanks for the advice :)

Choosejoy profile image

Sounds good!

2getbetter profile image

We don't get scared off here, we all have our issues and are a family on here & want to help each other. Don't hesitate to reach out to people or lean on us. It does get better.

Thank you!!

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