How do you deal with the sudden shock of an ailment that causes so many problems that the medical community’s Can’t figure out? I was diagnosed with tmjd last fall and have been to many drs who just can’t help. Things got so bad that my family drnput me in Xanax and ambien- landed me in the psych hospital. I have gotten off those meds but now need to get off the ganapentin the Trazodone and the Effexor I’m on now! Anyone have positive outcomes for me?
Anxiety and depression from TMjd - Anxiety and Depre...
Anxiety and depression from TMjd

I'm sorry your going through this pain, I had to look this up:
Temporomandibular joint dysfunction is an umbrella term covering pain and dysfunction of the muscles of mastication and the temporomandibular joints. The most important feature is pain, followed by restricted mandibular movement, and noises from the temporomandibular joints during jaw movement. Although TMD is not life-threatening, it can be detrimental to quality of life, because the symptoms can become chronic and difficult to manage.
I have to question the medications given to you for something that sounds more like a pain management issue.
Well the meds given to me are all for anxiety depression and insomnia. It’s possible the gabapentin helps with some pain but for the most part, it’s been anxiety depression and insomnia that have been causing issues. I’ve been going to physical therapy and Chiropractor. I went to acupuncture for 6?weeks too. I’m seeing a new psych nurse practitioner this week to discuss meds. My orthodontist who made me a bite splint is useless. I’ll see soon if the gabapentin is helping with pain since I don’t want to be on this. The psych in the hospital cold turkey me from 6 weeks of Xanax and ambien so he put me on the meds I’m on now. Does this info help?
I had TMJ about six months ago. My dentist stressed that it came from tenseness and muscle spasms in the jaw muscles, which I think run up the side of the affected cheek. I had been clenching my teeth every ten minutes or so to check on the pain. It is important not to do this, as well as to consciously relax the jaw. After about 4 months the TMJ disappeared. The other thing that my dentist said is that muscle relaxants, such as a ten day prescription of valium can help. In addition to its calming role, valium is also a mild muscle relaxant. With the number of medicines you are taking, however, adding valium to the mix seems difficult.
Thanks! I will be weaning off meds and hope to feel better soon! I did a script for Valium but with the xanax and ambien they put me on, it wasn’t anything I needed to do to my body. I’ll get better. I just have to. I’m a highly functional women in a high pressure job. On top of this, I’m separated from my husband who has been verbally abusive towards me for 8 of the 10 years we were married.
I am suffering from TMJ, too, and did some research on it. TMJ is a symptom of anxiety and it is also caused by certain antidepressants including Effexor. Did your TMJ start soon after starting Effexor or after increasing your dosage? Or, did it begin around the time of a new stressor in your life? I am clenching my teeth as I write this post, so, believe me, I can really relate to what you are going through. I just hope I don't fracture any of my teeth. You might want to looking into a night guard. You can buy one over the counter at a drug store or have your dentist customize on for you - a considerably more expensive route.
Thanks my tmj started way before the Effexor. I do have a bite guard. I have popping noises I hear all the time coming from inflammation in my joints. So frustrating. But I do have a great pt and chiropractor who are helping me get more mobile. The doctors I saw b4 were just clueless. Thanks for the supportz
I am no clinician but have you had a round of prednisone or other steroids. My dad has had TMJ on and off and usually a round of prednisone helps.

I had a round of steroids in October. It did help get inflammation down. I am hopeful I’ll feel better after getting meds under control. Thanka for the support