I just joined this, so I have no idea if Im doing this right haha. I’ve struggled with depression and anxiety my entire life, and I usually manage it with therapy and sometimes medication, but as of right now I can’t afford either. I have so many anxiety triggering things going on in my life right now I have just hit a breaking point. I figured I’d try this, the crisis lifeline gave me this link to this website.
overwhelmed with anxiety/depression - Anxiety and Depre...
overwhelmed with anxiety/depression

Thank you so much!! I really appreciate it.
Follow some folks - I find the most action is in “chat”

okay! Good to know, thank you so much.
Hi anxiousgirly and Welcome to a safe and comfortable support site.
As important as Medication and Therapy can be in addressing your issues,
it is just as important in finding methods/tools in helping you learn how to
get back control of your life. My "go to" has always been YouTube. It's free
as well as having professional counselors making videos that may help you.
I personally have gotten back control of my life and now use Meditation and
Breathing exercises to keep me afloat from everyday stresses. It's about
retraining your brain not to think negatively all the time, not to worry obsessively
everyday. Training your mind to more positive thoughts can open up doors for you.
Bombarding your subconscious mind before sleep with positive affirmations and
visualization can eventually provide you with a full night's REM sleep as well as
retraining your brain. Anxiety comes from a misconception. A thought that goes
awry by our overthinking it. You are in the right place to learn from other's experiences
with mental health issues. I'm happy you are here with us xx
Wow, thank you so much for this! Thank you for taking the time to welcome me and reply. I definitely need to start meditating and trying different coping techniques. Really appreciate you! 😄
Anytime, I'm here to pass my success forward as well as
to give hope and confidence to others struggling.
It doesn't happen overnight but with belief and commitment it can happen.
A book I started out with where I built my foundation was Dr. Claire Weekes'
book on "Hope & Help for Your Nerves" Also free videos on YouTube to listen to.
She had a theory about Acceptance being the "key" to understanding and taking
back control of Anxiety. It might be a start for you. My best xx
Hello anxiousgirl, welcome and glad you are here, I hope you find it helpful for you here. Take a deep breath, relax and enjoy it here.
Thank you designguy!! Really appreciate you welcoming me
You're welcome. A few of the things that have helped me with anxiety besides medication are, making sure my hormones, thyroid and adrenals are functioning properly because they can cause or contribute to it and another was learning and practicing simple mindfulness mediation to be able to start being able to observe my thoughts and not believe them and to be able to let them go. It's also a good way to start being more present in life as well as calming myself down. The other thing was learning that anxiety is just or body's builtin warning system malfunctioning and we need to desensitize ourselves to the feelings of it and accept that the anxious thoughts aren't real and to not believe them. Anxiety is actually a paradox, the more you resist it the more it persists so the solution is to surrender to the feelings, quit struggling with them and not feed the anxiety with the anxious thoughts. It takes time and diligence but it really does work. I found the DARE Anxiety book and their youtube videos very helpful and I also like the youtube videos and website of Paige Pradko.
This is great
thank you so much for this! You have no idea how much that helped. I really needed that reminder to just observe the thoughts and let them go and to not believe them. Thank you so much for all your advice. Everything helped tremendously!
Hello! I’m new here too. It’s good that you’re here. Welcome
thank you!! And welcome too