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New here, looking to talk and listen...

Laney1234 profile image
10 Replies

New here and not sure how to start this post. I'm 31 year old female who has always had a touch of OCD & anxiety but within the past 5 months or so it has come on full force. Tried medication and had a bad reaction so need to wait until May to speak with a therapist. Looking for ways to live a normal life in the mean time. I have good and bad days. Today since I woke up I've felt uneasy, random fast heart beat and in a fog like I'm not fully here. It feels good talking about it. Not really sure how this works but feel free to comment if you're interested in learning more, or have similar story to share. Thanks!

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Laney1234 profile image
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10 Replies
jkl5500 profile image

Is it possible for you to see your regular doctor in the near future? Two months is a long time to deal with the symptoms on your own. The first step is always to get the medical care you need ASAP.

If for some reason you can't see a therapist any sooner, at least your GP can give you some anti-anxiety drug like Ativan to make the symptoms more tolerable.

I've suffered from anxiety and depression for 40 years, and I'm familiar with the kinds of symptoms you've mentioned. If you read a lot of posts here, you'll see how common they are. So, if you want to share your story, you've definitely come to the right place.

Wishing you the best,


Laney1234 profile image
Laney1234 in reply to jkl5500

Thanks for your reply. I've had a few visits with my regular doctor already. After waiting a month to be seen by her she prescribed me Zoloft and a few ativan to help until the Zoloft kicked in.

I unfortunately had bad side effects from the Zoloft. I know everyone does at first and it takes a few weeks to actually kick in, but I was only on it for 6 days at 25Mg. The first day I took it I had terrible heartburn & acid reflux, had to sleep sitting up on my couch. My Dr. Prescribed ranitidine which didn't work, then Omeprozole which did. But even taking it in the mornings I had terrible insomnia, was up every 2 hours. Then developed night sweats and chills as well as constant nausea. At times I literally had to hold my head up with my hands. I called my Dr on a Thursday, she was out sick and is also out on Fridays. So I ended up going to an urgent care where they told me I should've been taken off of it sooner and that my side effects weren't the normal ones. They told me to take the Ativan to help until I could see my Dr. I finally got in touch with my regular Dr on Monday morning and she told me that she wasn't sure why I was having those side effects and thought it be best if I see a Dr who deals specifically with mental health. And at this time isn't sure what else she can do for me on the subject.

She is the only primary care Dr in my town and I am in the process of finding a new one but most I've called have no openings for atleast a month. I also called a few therapists and the soonest appointmentI could get was in May.

I'm sorry for rambling, im just basically stuck at the moment. I luckily only need the take the Ativan a few times a week but this whole situation has obviously not helped my anxiety at all. And now on top of it I am still having the reflux and heartburn as a side effect from the med, although it's getting better.

jkl5500 profile image
jkl5500 in reply to Laney1234

I agree with your current GP. You need to see a psychiatrist (an MD). Then he or she can prescribe something more tailored to your situation. At least your current doc is honest and admits she really can't do much for you.

I'm sorry about the stomach troubles that developed with your taking Zoloft. I took Zoloft for about 10 years and never had any problems with heartburn or acid reflux. You really don't need any more stuff to deal with!

The Ativan is only meant as a short-term "crutch" until the right long-term med kicks in. I only take it now on an "as needed" basis, since things are under control.

It's a shame that there aren't more health care providers in your area. It looks like you've done all that you can do at this point. I'll keep you in my prayers.


knicole6 profile image

Hi Laney,

I am brand new here too. I suffered from severe anxiety and panic attacks 15 years ago. At that time I was put on 20mg of Prozac which worked like a charm up until about a month ago. Now I am right back where I started and I can’t understand why. I am sorry you are going through this, however, it is so nice to know that others understand. I am more than happy to talk anytime.

Laney1234 profile image
Laney1234 in reply to knicole6

Hi KNicole,

It's unfortunate that something that was working so well for you has stopped working. I also had trouble with a med, and as I'm sure you know it just makes the anxiety worse! Have you talked to a Dr about trying something new? I take Ativan when my anxiety gets really bad but it's not something I want to be on long term. I'm lucky that my husband is understanding, atleast trying to be. :) but it's helpful to know that there are people out there going through something similar!

I really hope we can both find something that will help us but in the meantime it would be great to chat and compare! Feel free to message me!

Good luck, we will get through this!!

knicole6 profile image

I would love to chat and compare. I did talk to my Dr. today and he wants me to double my dose. Of course the thought of that alone causes me anxiety. I totally understand that foggy feeling you talked anout. I get that all the time and feel so derached sometimes. I’m glad you have a supportive husband. My husband tries to be. And yes.....we will get through this 😊

Laney1234 profile image

Do you see just your primary care Dr or a specialist? I have an appt with a therapist in May but until then I'm kinda on my own. I'm searching for a new primary care Dr though, but the thought of starting over and having to explain everything to someone new is pretty terrifying!

And I totally get what you're saying about doubling your dose. I can't even take a vitamin or Tylenol without having heart palpitations! But since your body is already used to the Prozac, and it worked so well I think it's worth a try. Easier said than done! Maybe up it to 30 MG instead of going the full 40 at first.

I really hate the foggy feeling, especially since I feel like it comes from no where sometimes. Lately I've been having mini panic attacks that are tolerable but the headaches and just exhaustion afterwards on top of the distanced feeling are what bother me the most!

Katiess1128 profile image

Hey Laney! I am new here too and also went through some tough reactions with anti-anxiety medication so I am working on finding ways to relax and slow down my racing thoughts on my own! So I can relate :) I have found that exercise helps, it seems to clear me through the brain fog but on the tough days it can be really hard to get up and do ANYTHING never mind go to the gym! Maybe if you are in an area where it isn’t too cold, you could go for a walk or something like that. You are definitely in good company here :) I hope your primary care doctor is able to help you out in the meantime of seeing the therapist! Keep your head up and feel free to reach out if you need to talk! -Katie

Jen456 profile image

Laney! I totally get how you feel and talking surely does help. I also read books or watch videos about it so I learn how to cope. It also makes me feel better knowing that my health is not in danger. Everything we are feeling is emotional distress and manifests itself physically (heart rate, fog). Deep breathing has helped me Therapy helps while accompanied by medicine. Make sure u set time for breathing and for walking. What you are feeling sounds like anxiety. Don’t worry, just know that you will become more aware of how it manifests in you and then u can tackle it head on.



sutt profile image

Hi Laney, I am going through a similar situation right now. So frustrating. I am glad to know I am not the only one, but wish we weren't having to deal with it. I live in a larger city, and still have the same issues with having to wait for a month and usually more to get in as a new patient. I just found this site and new here, and looks like a great source of support. My primary just prescribed Ativan yesterday but am scared to take it because of recent other reactions to drugs. Which just compounds the anxiety. :-(

Best, Sutton

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