Find the beauty in all that is around.
just a thought: Find the beauty in all... - Anxiety and Depre...
just a thought

Very beautiful
Dope! (I love purple/lavender & shades of the same color)
I really love these pics & quotes of the day.
Keep 'em coming
You irritate and annoy me, so buzz off live in the real pain and suffering world we live in. You remind me of a jerk in the hospital I just came out of, said in "Group" he loves to give advice, so my thought is, when what are You doing here? Most of us are not in the pretty area, we are in the scared, ugly, kill myself pit. Trying hog wash with us does not work, so go visit some other site. Been there (too many times) lets get real, reach out to heal the hurting , confused and frightened. Real help is here. Sprinkle 1.
Before you judge read my profile. And have a think, I have been in your situation, But i have come out the other side. Get your thoughts of your self, You might be able to help people then. How may i serve. LOTS OF LOVE. Gerrard. YOUR Humble servant.
Read my profile. Gerrerd
I can see you have some growing up to do. Pretty pictures are nice when one is coming out of "Hell's Hole". In the beginning, middle and moving on is hard. I have been dealing with my "Hell Hole" for 70 years. When I was young we knew little or nothing about "Mental Illness". Have suffered thru EST and drug experiments. Believe me I do NOT dwell on myself and stinking thinking, had plenty of therapy to clear that crap out. At the encouragement of our director (where I worked) became a lay therapist, have read countless books. If you get your hands on a book by Harold H. Bloomfield M.D. & Peter McWilliams Title "How to Heal Depression ". You will learn a Lot. on one of the early pages he says "telling someone to snap out of depression, is like asking someone to snap out of a tooth ache". Obviously is not going to happen. Let me tell you, through all my years of torment, I was not rude and abusive to family and friends. Tried suicide twice got wiser and made an agreement with myself @ age 46 came up with a Mantra - "Suicide is Not and Option" , have no clue as to how many times I have used it, and I am still here. Go back thru the e- mails and you will see I have developed a following due to reaching out to others, I have been able to help many. As I grow and get stronger I will continue. So grow up gerrerd, get educated, Depression is usually a 3 stage affair, (says that in the book), the lovely colors etc., usually come (if they come) at the end. Please note I am NOT judging you, I think you are Not listening to me and being defensive. Bet if you can find that book it will be an eye opener to you May sunshine in your day, Sprinkle 1
Of course your right. But if my posts help just one person it will be worth it. I am not talking about a cure maybe something to ease the way. Thanks for teaching me to look at things from a new perspective. Lots of love from Ray.