Let's Get This Over With... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Let's Get This Over With...

36 Replies

Would someone help me out and just please just kill me already?!?!

Thank you so much. I appreciate it.

36 Replies
Agora1 profile image

What's happening Natalya? How can we help? xx

in reply to Agora1

By killing me.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to

Are you alone right now? We need to get you some help.

in reply to Agora1

I'm not alone. I don't need help, I just really wish I wasn't born.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to

I just realized you are only 16. You need to tell your parents how much you are hurting. What happened that made you give up on life and all it has to offer?

in reply to Agora1

My parents already know I'm depressed but they just get angry at me for being so sad. They don't see any "real" reason as to why I should be this sad and they think I'm just unproductive and lazy.My parents are sick and tired of listening to me complain so trust me, they don't want to hear it.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to

That's sad.. as a parent myself to an anorexic daughter, I try understanding why she chose to have control over her life with an ED. I don't think it's a matter of parent getting tired of listening to you complain as much as it is that they feel helpless. Parents want to think they can protect their children as well as make them happy. Maybe in a perfect life.

You have a lot of issues going on which do need to be addressed. You probably feel so overwhelmed each day. Seeing a therapist could do wonders for you if you are willing.

in reply to Agora1

I hope your daughter is doing "ok". I'm sorry to hear that so many people are suffering. By the way, I also have an eating disorder but I have binge eating disorder but I can still relate. Anyways, what you said makes a lot of sense but, I'm still sad. Sorry.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to

May I send you a hug to let you know "I care" ? xx

Anytime you need someone to listen, I'm here. :)

in reply to Agora1

Thank you. Bless your soul. We need more people like you in this world.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to

PM me anytime, I'll always be here for you. xx

in reply to Agora1

Just wondering, how old is your daughter?

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to

She is 25 and has been like this for 8 years. She was my foster child at 2 years

of age that I adopted at 10.

in reply to Agora1

That's actually really interesting. I'm sure just the fact that she is a foster child has probably taken a toll on her pyschologically so I'm not surprised that she is struggling now but it does make me sad to hear.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to

She was bounced back and forth between her biological mom and myself. There was no competition in my mind. I got along with her mother and always hoped she would find her way in getting her 5 children back. From 2y.o. to 10y.o she was a ward of the state and that played hard in her separation anxiety and feeling as if her life was out of control.

Everyone with anxiety and depression has a story to tell and so here we are on the forum xx

ayres_ryder profile image
ayres_ryder in reply to

I'm 37 and have recently moved back in with parents briefly so that I can get electroconvulsive therapy near them. I can safely say that depression doesn't need any reason for you to feel bad and that is why it is considered a disease and not a weakness or laziness. Yes humans can be lazy too but if you are having such feelings of wanting to kill yourself I can attest to you that you are not alone. Recently I ran across this hashtag #prisonearth and I think that goes a long way to describe how I feel about life. But back to the point, I was deppressed at that same age too and I understand that with my parents' understanding I would have been way worse off. Since yours aren't listening to you quite the way you want them too perhaps you could try the school counselor. It.s a scary step but they can be a good gateway to the resources of help you may want to try. At your age I didn't want to take medicine for depression but now it.s just a normal part of my life and I'm better off because of it. Whatever happens try to be open to trying new things because you/everyone deserves a chance at a happier life. Things will likely get better then worse then better again but if you remember that you grow stronger and more capable the more you grapple with depression you can sometimes overlook the race to get things and achieve life goals and just try to just be happy with what you do have. When you feel better, don.t question it, just enjoy it and when you get depressed don.t ask why, just do your best to suffer through the rough patch. It will eventually get better and you will be a better person because of it. I promise you that.

Soccermomalways profile image

Natalya you have your whole life ahead of you! Im so sorry your parents are not being supportive but they love you!!! My daughter is 17 and has depression and anxiety and also hears voices. I joined this group to get help for her and myself as her mom. Are you on any meds?? We are about to try GABA its a natural supplement and its fairly inexpensive. You can buy it online or in several stores. I know a few people who it has helped tremendously. Ask you parents to get some for you if you cannot. You were put on this earth for a reason and you have to find that purpose!!! You are beautiful and dont ever give up!!!

in reply to Soccermomalways

I wish I could live with u. I really hate my parents. And you seem like a really nice and supportive parent.

in reply to

I'm going to be 17 tomorrow.

Soccermomalways profile image
Soccermomalways in reply to

Happy birthday and you will have many many more!!!

in reply to Soccermomalways

Thank you but I honestly hope not.

Cat2 profile image
Cat2 in reply to

Have you called any local community mental health centers? There are physiological causes for depression. It's not your fault, but it doesn't sound like your parents are helping, so your gonna have to help yourself. Is there anyplace you could go for help?

in reply to Cat2

Well I guess my parents actually have helped cause they paid for me to go to treatment centers... But I'm not much better so...

Cat2 profile image
Cat2 in reply to

Keep searching for doctors that specialize in the major areas that cause you the most distress. I have had many therapists. Got some good stuff from some of them, but non were a real good fit. Finally I found one that specializes in extreme child abuse. Not just someone that says they deal with child abuse issues, but someone who has their own private practice and publishes papers/books on the subject. Maybe someone that teaches at a large university near you? If they can't help you, maybe they know someone who can.

in reply to Cat2

Good advice. 👍I hope things get better for everyone is this world cause it makes me so sad.

Soccermomalways profile image
Soccermomalways in reply to

That breaks my heart. Your parents need to understand its a disease and not a choice. You are here on this site though so thats a step in the right direction! My daughter is coming home from inpatient today and im going to have her join maybe you can chat with her. She's a wonderful girl and is trying so hard to do what she needs to do to get better.

in reply to Soccermomalways

🙏❤ I would love to chat with her and I hope she does better. By the way, where do you guys live, like in what area?

Soccermomalways profile image
Soccermomalways in reply to

We are in Georgia

in reply to Soccermomalways

Oh that's funny cause my older brother goes to college in Georgia Tech and we were actually thinking of visiting him. I live in Beverly hills by the way.

4544joey profile image
4544joey in reply to Soccermomalways

It’s natural for a young girl to cry out, When she is suffering or in pain. I don’t care if she is 16, she’s a baby she’s somebody baby and she’s not even mine and I love her. I’ve got a daughter that’s 23 and we should help them in every way that we can. If we are not taught, or we are not aware that these hurtful things,imperfections, that many suffer with are only ‘temporary’. Having the knowledge of what the scriptures holds out for you in the near future, and the truth about what is really real can have a tremendous effect for her well being. If we love her and don’t want her to suffer. How much more so does one with even greater love and higher powers have who looks down upon her and is aware of her suituation. It’s like a prisoner knowing soon they will be released soon and happy again....in the meantime we have to take advantage of help and take practical steps. You are greatly loved Natalya213. I hope I spelled that right

in reply to 4544joey

God bless u too. Everyone on this forum is so wonderful. You guys are amazing. And so sweet and caring. Thank you. I appreciate it.

Soccermomalways profile image

And by the way you look like a model! My daughter is gorgeous too.

4544joey profile image
4544joey in reply to Soccermomalways

You are amazing Soccermom!!👍👍

Alilly profile image

I tried to commit suicide when I was 17. When I finally woke up, my mom had made an appointment for me to go see a counselor. The counselor asked me if there was anything coming up that I could look forward to. There actually was at that time and I told her about it. She told me to focus on the event coming up and about how much fun I'd have. I followed her advice and it helped me pull through. I know it's not a permanent solution, but maybe you can think of a future event that you can focus on. If not, you may want to create one with friends or family. Take care. I will pray for you.

I'm sorry to hear that. It's a cruel world out there.

try and learn to hold on and grind it out, you need to add this to your inner character

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