I woke up very groggy and fatigued. And didn't want to get out of bed. I saw the enemy coming at me, but I said we will not loose today. I smiled when I should've been frowning. I joked when I should've groaned. And I have decided to hold my head up high and not down today. Faking it until I make it is kind of like hacking my reality. But I am the director of this game after all so it's always up to me how the story goes.
Gonna Hack My Perception: I woke up... - Anxiety and Depre...
Gonna Hack My Perception

I believe in that wholeheartedly Eduardo Embrace the power you have.....
Way to go! I've done this many times and mostly it works!
Hello. I just wanted to say that your post gives me hope. I wake up everyday feeling that way. It's good to know I'm not alone. The way you are handling it seems like maybe I can try that and hopefully it will work for me to. Thanks for the inspiring post.
Yes my friend. Its never easy and you know what they say. It takes time to form good habits. I'm a pessimistic person by design, but I have decided to think and act like an optimistic one. Sometimes you just have to be aware that you alone can make good things out of bad times. I don't know about you, but someday I'd like to be the person who can laugh at himself during trouble and struggle and make others wonder where I get such power from. That's my goal right now. To be a little more light hearted and just enjoy the ride.
That is really good advice. I have a problem with negative self talk and thinking and have been trying to figure out how to change that. It's definitely something I am becoming more aware of. I have been catching myself here lately and realizing how often I do it.
I just decided recently to try and just be a friend to myself. Talking to myself like I would to another person instead of beating myself up over everything. Maybe doing that along with deciding to be optimistic in general will be a good combo. Like you said, good habits take time to form so all I can do is keep trying, and see how it goes.
I appreciate the advice and truly do feel inspired by your determination to meet your goals. I have no doubt that you will meet all of them.