How do you control crying daily? Need... - Anxiety and Depre...

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How do you control crying daily? Need a break...

Kitty487 profile image
22 Replies

A lot has happened the past few months of my life. Been trying to get back on my feet but always seems to be one step forward two steps back.. I recently saw my Psychiatrist for the first time, mind you I've been on countless antidepressants, anyway she is trying me on Mirtrazapine, the generic of Remeron. I've been taking it for about 4 days now at night. Haven't seen any difference in anything, she said it would take 1-2 weeks to fully kick in. I see her again in a month. I have been on a crying binge lately, even at work a couple times. I went two days without crying and today it happened all over again. I just need a break. Don't know what to do at this point..

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Kitty487 profile image
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22 Replies
Lostjoy profile image

Maybe talking about why you are feeling so down might help. I cried in the shower this morning. Everything just seems so hopeless for me at the moment. I haven’t been crying every day, but a few months back I was. I think it’s good to let your emotions out that way. Message me if you feel like talking about it.

Kitty487 profile image
Kitty487 in reply to Lostjoy

I know the reasons, they are just things that can't be resolved at the moment. I'm just trying to get through everyday. Things just seem to be dragging lately. Hope things get better for you. Some people don't realize how much of a struggle depression and anxiety can be. Feel better..

Lostjoy profile image
Lostjoy in reply to Kitty487

Thanks hon, you feel better too.

alveenashakir profile image
alveenashakir in reply to Lostjoy

This influence of emotions through tears is now a routine for me too. i have no idea how to feel better.

Lostjoy profile image
Lostjoy in reply to alveenashakir

I’m right here with you. Other than taking a pill I am trying to figure out how to feel better also.

Kitty487 profile image
Kitty487 in reply to Lostjoy

I feel like the meds should help more.. I know it takes time. But I'm just so jittery but also out of it. So I feel like I can't calm down. Drinking tons of coffee doesn't help at all also, but I can't stop my coffee addiction lol. It's one thing holding me together

Lostjoy profile image
Lostjoy in reply to Kitty487

I know what you mean about the coffee. It’s something I always looked forward to before going to sleep at night is knowing I would have my coffee the next morning. I haven’t had coffee in some time due to thinking that the caffeine might be contributing to my anxiety.

I wish someone could find an easy cure, and share it with everyone.

Kitty487 profile image
Kitty487 in reply to Lostjoy

I know. I wish there was an easier way but it's always hard it seems for people with depression and anxiety. I've been drinking coffee three times a day. It's something I always want and it's not bad for me so I keep it as kind of my little comfort net.

Lostjoy profile image
Lostjoy in reply to Kitty487

Yes by all means if it is a comfort to you then have it. We need all the comfort we can get.

Kitty487 profile image
Kitty487 in reply to Lostjoy

Yes we do that's for sure lol. I'm clinging on to everything that makes me feel even a little bit better.

Kitty487 profile image
Kitty487 in reply to alveenashakir

It gets exhausting...that's for sure. Sorry you're dealing with this too..

Celtic27 profile image

Hi kitty iknow how you feel ive problems with crying also which not many men will admit to ! Im on venlafaxine,amitriptalene for depression and another one i cant remember to reduce my crying which has made a difference ! Try not to let things build up to much but if you feel the need to cry do so as it will help release the build up of tension theres no reason to feel that you cant be human please take care ifyou needto please message me and i will try to help !

Kitty487 profile image
Kitty487 in reply to Celtic27

I've tried both of those before and I didn't think they helped. And last time I doubled up on antidepressants, it almost landed me in the hospital. I just feel like I'm never going to find the right medication for me. It's frustrating. I go two days and then this. I understand I have a lot going on in my life and I realize I'm probably going to be extremely emotional, but I just feel like I've had enough. I need a break but some things aren't possible. If only...

I'm sorry to hear you struggle with this too, it's awful and I hate it as I imagine you do too. Thank you for the support

Southernchick profile image

I can't cry so I don't know how to help you except say I'm so sorry.

It happened to my boyfriend. They gave him cymbalta. It worked for him. He said without my support along with the medicine he isn't sure what would have happened.

So do you have support?

Kitty487 profile image
Kitty487 in reply to Southernchick

I honestly want to go back on cymbalta because I did feel effects from it right away. I don't know if it would help but at least I felt it. I don't know about the Mirtrazapine I'm on now. I up my dose to 15mg tonight at bedtime so maybe that'll show something. I do have support, just not enough of what I need I guess you could say. My boyfriend is kinda far and I totaled my car about a month ago. It's a complicated situation. I don't know if it's good for me or not. But I just keep myself stuck because I don't know what to do. Fear holds me back a lot and I'm trying to move forward but everytime I do there's a set back. It's a never ending road at this point...

Southernchick profile image

Ask no tell Dr what you need. It's your body. You know more about it than anyone else.

Take baby steps. Dig deep for that inner strength. It's there somewhere. There's nothing that you have to decide right now.

If boyfriend is kinda far. That's rough. Can you get (move) closer to him. Could you consider him more as a friend and support at this time. Is the pressure of a long distance relationship best for you right now. Do you have the energy to nurture a relationship at this time.

Just questions you might answer to yourself.

Your car. Did you have insurance. We're you injured?

Being with out transportation can be difficult. SC

Kitty487 profile image
Kitty487 in reply to Southernchick

I have two children so I can't up and move. The car I didn't have Collision on and I only got a little money back from registration. I was sore but nothing major. It was a bad accident and I was extremely lucky. I'm trying to look for cars, but can't get another until my taxes come in. I'm trying to focus a lot on myself but it's hard to try and just rely on myself for everything. I don't see my Psychiatrist for a few weeks but I do see my counselor today and they can be over seen by a Psychiatrist so I could possibly ask for them to maybe put me on another med for just this. I'm just overwhelmed right now and need to breathe but find I don't have time for it

Southernchick profile image

I'm so relieved you weren't hurt badly.

It is hard and stressful doing without transportation.

Do you have anyone that can advise you when you get ready to purchase the car. Last thing we need is a car you have paid good money for that only runs short time then repairs. If you don't have anyone to help you. Prepare yourself what to look for. Lots of good websites. Get everything in writing.

How are the kids and how are you coping with them?

Keep your appointment.

I do understand how overwhelming it can all be.

Take care and keep your head up. SC

Kitty487 profile image
Kitty487 in reply to Southernchick

Yeah I have people that know about cars so that's not a problem. Just a waiting game. 1-2 weeks more of taxis. I don't know if these meds are helping and I don't know if counseling once a week to two weeks is really helping either. I was told I can get a peer counselor and I can hang out with them and talk to them as much as needed. I might look into that but my anxiety is horrible so I feel like I'm gonna put it off. We'll see..

Carrocks77 profile image

I've been there. It's such a deep despair no words can describe it. I lost someone I loved. I had major depression with anxiety. It took months to find the antidepressant that worked for me. But I'm doing better. I stopped crying everyday. Don't give up!

Kitty487 profile image
Kitty487 in reply to Carrocks77

My meds now i feel out of it but I also feel like I've been on pure adrenaline. I didn't know it was possible to feel both at the same time. Maybe it's a sign it's starting to work but I don't like the feeling at all. I've been on countless antidepressants. I don't know.. I feel like I'll never find the right meds. I'm sorry for your loss! I hope you get better and I'm glad you found something that works for you!!

I hear your pain and I truly understand. So many things have transpired with me in the past few months and it's very difficult to get past this. I'm very proud of you seeking professional help. I do know that some medications can take affect within 2 weeks or more as dealing with the side effects can be difficult. Crying I believe is therapeutic a great way to release tension. I have been going through it myself, sometimes I'm at my desk and my eyes get teary or I have a memory that often come to me and makes me sad and of course teary eyed again.

So I decided to take a positive step and join the gym. This was the best idea and I feel wonderful. It's good for releasing stress and just surrounding yourself with others. Being in a positive environment make a world of difference and talking to friends and family that are motivating. If you're not able to go to the gym, there are many simple exercises that can be do in the comfort of your home.

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