I am surprised that there is not a specific forum on here that addresses phobias. Is there anyone on here who has a very bad phobia or has gotten over one?? If yes, please share your story. I'm in a very bad state of mind. Thank you
EXTREMELY BAD PHOBIAS: I am surprised... - Anxiety and Depre...

I'm deathly afraid of elevators. I once climbed 9 flights of stairs to avoid getting in one. Can't really remember when it started and never got over it. What is your phobia?
It's going to sound ridiculous, but it's of mice. And I have had mice in my house since August!! I hired an exterminator to close the holes, it did nothing. I have out traps, caught 4 so far. But the fear of even SEEING or hearing one is tremendous. I tried different CDS and things to get over the fear-NOTHING HAS HELPED!!!
Oh believe me-NO ONE'S fears sound ridiculous to me. I have a friend who is deathly afraid of spiders. I don't have that fear, but I can definitely sympathize with her and understand exactly what she is going through. I would never.minimize anyone else's fears.
Last time I was in an elevator I felt I couldn't breath and afraid the doors wouldn't open. If the doors won't open I just don't know what would happen to be. The thought of being trapped in there is terrifying. I've mntioned it to my therapist but nothing really came about. It's inconvient at times I always have to go out of the way and find the stairs. I don't see myself getting over this anytime soon if ever
Well at least elevators don't have to be a part of your daily existence. You find ways around them. See, even if I do get rid of the mice now, they most likely will always come back. You should see how I'm living. I had to empty out my whole pantry and cabinets of anything that is not in glass or cans. I had to put all my food in Sterilite plastic bins with a seal-tight handle. There is NO FOOD here anymore for them, yet they are STILL HERE.
I'm sorry you can't get rid of them sounds like your doing everything possible to get rid of them