I woke up from not so sound. sleep. The anxiety was so bad..... I pray to God every morning to just just come and take me .The world has become such a horrible place to live in. NYC real bad. No place left to run.
Morning bad trigger warning - Anxiety and Depre...
Morning bad trigger warning

hi, do you live in New York City? and it is not good? how come? Upstate New York is very pretty...? I hear you, the only thing I can think of is to stay in a little place of safety and then try to do what we enjoy. I am down too right now, I know nature will help, animals, kind people....what is getting to you right now? you can pm me if you want....
I am sorry to hear you had such a bad morning. I have worked long and hard at combating negative thoughts and it does take work. It is very easy to look at the negative things in the work. We must practice gratitude. I am thankful that my heart and lungs are working today. I am thankful that I had food today. I am thankful that I have a bed to sleep in at night. Each day write a gratitude list, eventually you will begin to see the world as beautiful place. It also might be a good idea to stop reading or watching any news for awhile and find a nice meditation/prayer book to read in the morning and at night.
Hi lonepain. I know what you're going through. Combining this horrible world with mental and physical pain is unbearable. I've become more of a hermit recently, not wanting to watch what is happening to us. I'm trying to hold onto anything that is positive. Can you try and peel back the pain and search for positives. Let me know what you find and I'll do the same.
I'm sorry you are having such a hard time, that sucks.
I don’t think that’s unusual to feel that way in NYC. Every time I go there, I can’t wait to get out of there.
I'm going through the same thing I wake up shaking and Is a nervous.
I wake up to Depression guilt and constant negative pounding. Anxiety over future [I dont think I have good one].
Thank for advice.