How do you respond to someone who says “your life could be so much worse” when responding to your anxiety and/or depression? Has anyone else heard this or something like it? Because honestly I’m tired of hearing it as if I choose to feel these things.
What do you say?: How do you respond to... - Anxiety and Depre...
What do you say?
I saw a meme that day that sarcastically answers this question. I will message it to you
Alittleblu-I couldn't agree more!! I get told this constantly, as if it's supposed to make me feel better because some other people might have it worse than me. Well how does that help me to know that? Does it minimize my problems, does it make my stress and depression go away? So I'm supposed to be HAPPY that it could be worse than it is?? NO!!!! I really don't even respond to comments about this because it's pointless.
What’s worse is when it’s your own family members they just really don’t understand. And exactly! I only feel crappier when people say it so the fact that some people think these comments are helpful in any way is mind boggling.

I guess the bottom line is-we really can't fault the people who are saying it. They are trying to make us feel better. But at the same time, it makes me feel guilty for complaining!
I don’t fault those who genuinely just do not get it because they’ve never had anxiety or depression or been around someone with it (thank God) just those who make it a point to try to belittle your feelings or make you seem dramatic.

Couldn't agree more!!
How about ....Walk in my shoes! XXX
Life could be so much better but does that stop you from being happy? Just like if life was worse it doesn’t stop you from being sad. Took 15 years for me to find a response to that.