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Anxiety_Aunt_ profile image
16 Replies

How do people manage their anxiety?

Medication/therapy/self help strategies

Please anything will be massively helpful I’m getting so sick and tired of it and I just need it to stop

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Anxiety_Aunt_ profile image
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16 Replies
Sprinkle1 profile image

I am not going to be of help, I am going crazy with anxiety, so I am sending my empathy to you, I do coloring, word search books, watch some TV has to be no violence, and read, has to be no violence. I take and antidepressant that is supposed to help, also busbar, and gabapentin, both anxiety med's. I am going to ask my Dr. if any of the med's can be increased as I am suffering awfully. Hopefully some of the other people may have good plans that work, so see who else answers your question. I send you healing love, strength to battle on and big Hugs for comfort. Sprinkle 1

Anxiety_Aunt_ profile image
Anxiety_Aunt_ in reply to Sprinkle1

Thank you so much for your response. Means a lot to hear someone is experiencing the same as me although it doesn’t make me happy to think that you are feeling this way as I know how dehabilitating it feels. Which antindepressant to you take? Also, do you not feel the tablets you’re on are helping enough? Do you have any acces to therapy? Many thanks again for sharing

Sprinkle1 profile image
Sprinkle1 in reply to Anxiety_Aunt_

Oh! sorry forgot to tell you, I am on Pristiq, which is for depression & anxiety, plus I take Busbar and Gababpentin. Pristiq is up to 300Mg daily now and I think I feel a little improvement :o) Love You. Sprinkle 1 Hugs too.

puddlediver profile image
puddlediver in reply to Sprinkle1

Aww sprinkle. I didn’t realise you had such a bad time. You help so many people. Hugs

ProBSD profile image

My doctor added Xanax to my Celexa and it helps me get over the hurdles.

Misslaguna profile image
Misslaguna in reply to ProBSD

How long have you been on celexa I just starded 19 days ago for anxiety and depression but I still don’t feel better

horizonwatch profile image

Hugs to you, because I so get it and know how you feel!! The very first thing I would say is 1) Completely REMOVE or distance yourself from toxic people in your life. How do you know if someone is toxic and abusive? If you always feel confused by them, you always feel like you're never good enough for them, you always feel hurt by them, they condescend to you, they are not there for you.....GET THESE PEOPLE OUT OF YOUR LIFE. Those are ABUSERS. 2) Read books like "Feeling Good" by David Burns -- this book helped me so much. If you had an alcoholic parent or just a dysfunctional home (which SO MANY of us do), then you have learned things like "black and white" thinking which causes us anxiety and depression. We think that if we make a mistake, that we tell ourselves "you are so stupid, no one likes you, everyone's laughing at you, you'll never succeed, you'll never get married......." and on and on and on. Just some examples. But basically that book shows you that when you think something like "I never succeed at anything" to ask yourself -- Is that actually true? Have I really NEVER EVER EVER succeeded at ANYTHING...EVER? Which of course is silly and not true. Even if it was just succeeding in getting to work on time one day this week or succeeding in doing your laundry or anything at all -- you've succeeded at something and if you go back and look, you'll see you can write a list of many successes. That's just one example from that book -- I seriously recommend it, it has helped me so much. I still use the techniques from it years later. 3) Read spiritual writings --we were all put here by God and we all have a purpose here. 4) Know that you DESERVE to be happy. Do what makes you happy, do what you enjoy doing! And be with the people you enjoy being around. Do things for yourself that will make you smile and make you feel good about yourself. And be patient and loving towards yourself. I hope that helps a little. Lots of love and hugs to you!

horizonwatch profile image
horizonwatch in reply to horizonwatch

And something I forgot to mention, is that taking "anti-depressant" drugs are NOT the answer. They fix NOTHING and as a matter of fact, they end up messing up your serotonin in your brain worse because they deplete your serotonin levels. Taking "anti-depressant" meds only make you into a cash cow for the pharmaceutical companies, they do nothing at all for mental health. But they do plenty of harm. But please do try out what I mentioned in my previous post. More hugs and all the best to you! :-)

Anxiety_Aunt_ profile image
Anxiety_Aunt_ in reply to horizonwatch

Thank you so much for such a genuine message. I want to do all I can to avoid taking medication and am getting to the point where I feel it’s the only option but still firmly stand that I don’t want to go down that route if necessary so again, thank you for suggestions and your kind words 🙂 that book sounds like a good buy - I can relate to all the points you raised so if it helps with those sorts of thoughts then it’s definitely something I’ll look into x

horizonwatch profile image
horizonwatch in reply to horizonwatch

Awesome :-) I have this book in my Kindle library and I need to go back and read it again myself - I definitely need to make sure I keep going back to it, since we can definitely fall back into old habits!! xo

RoseySawyer profile image

Hi, I usually try to breathe deeply and close my eyes. I try to keep negative people and feelings away. Also a long relaxing bath and some music. ☺

rustydog profile image

Although my anxiety and depression hasn’t gone away, I do find that regular (daily) exercise really does help even if it is just a 15 minute walk around the block. I also try to do some stretching (again about 15 mins worth). I also like to listen to relaxation music on YouTube, The Honest Guys on there have some great tracks. I’m going to start taking a vitamin b complex and vitamin d as well.

misterericsir profile image

I know a lot of people have spoken out against medication but I have found mine to be just the edge I need to overcome my depression and anxiety. I take clonapin (2mg) each day and have found it to be very helpful in this low dose. It gives me just enough to power thru my anxiety without making me tired or confused. I would really recommend seeing a psychiatrist if you haven't already and ask their opinion.

puddlediver profile image

Hi, I can definitely recommend the David burns book, feeling good. It’s awesome. He also has other books in the similar vein. In uk (you may or may not be) you can borrow these type of self help books for an extended period at your local library.

In addition, my experience is that taking 100mg of sertraline helps me no end. Far better than cbt or self help stuff.

I also have a couple of apps that I find good.

MoodKit, STOPP and good mornings (to monitor my sleep)

Hugs xx

Sprinkle1 profile image

Well hello, I see you got a lot of responses, that gives you some choices. As far as I can tell, we do not know how the brain functions, and a

main criminal character is the amygdala, and this little bugger can really mess us up in many ways, that is why we suffer with different symptoms, No. 1 being anxiety. As to how to attack this little beast is not really known, the medical people are working on it. So some people take drugs (i.e. Me) I agree with the person who takes exercise, it has been recommended to me, but my depression holds me back!!! I applaud all of you who wrote to offer support. I wish you all well. I hope you all are quick to recover, including me? Love to you All. Sprinkle 1

Lostlittlegirl_ profile image

Hello! I don’t go to any therapists or doctors. Because, in my country it’s not a major problem or something to get help with. :(

So, what I do is, I find things that interests me. Watch series or listen to new songs. But, mostly what I do is fix myself even if I don’t have a job. I curl my hair. I put makeup. I make my eyebrows on fleek. I online shop.

I don’t know if it’ll help you or anyone. But, it helps me.

I pray and hope all the good things to be in your favor.. :)

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