Klonopin: Has anyone come off klonopin... - Anxiety and Depre...

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8 Replies

Has anyone come off klonopin before. I have anxiety bad and my doctor is taking it down. I'm really scared because anxiety will get worse and I have obsessive thoughts about ring afraid of anxiety.

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8 Replies

The Med can also make anxiety worse too! I take it. I had to reduce my dose. I was becoming totally delusional and worse! Often times the side effects of the meds are depression, weight gain or loss, suicidal tendencies, exacerbation of anxiety etc. The very thing we take them for. Your doctor may be on to something! All meds also effect people so differently. Trust him. If you do get worse anxiety he can always change your Med or up your dose. Take it from me! Best of luck. Make sure you keep notes of symptoms, changes, questions etc to take to your doctor. Try to be very open with them so they can help you in the best way. Just do not quit without proper weaning! I’m sure you know but I accidentally did by forgetting to pills in daily pill case and all heck broke loose! I went to doctor. Realized the problem. Restarted and was fine as I can be. This is a problem that can be easily corrected very quickly so try to relax, take a breath and see what happens. It may be good for you! Relaxing is easier said than done but truly work on it as Best you can. It will be okay either way. Promise. Make sure you discuss your fears with your doctor as well. Best of luck!

in reply to Hopeful-Tinkerbell

Thanks. I'm afraid of the anxiety that's why I'm worse. The doctor said he never saw such bad anxiety. All I want to do is cry.

Hopeful-Tinkerbell profile image
Hopeful-Tinkerbell in reply to

That is a horrible thing to say! I can’t imagine this. I don’t feel like anyone could be worse than me personally. Is he a regular doctor or psychiatrist? That is so unprofessional. There are many many natural alternatives you can try though. There is no right answer for everyone. We are unique and different. Only you can make the choices that are best for you. Doctors can only make recommendation. It gives us power over our own bodies. I hope you are with a psychiatrist but then you also have to make sure you are with the right one for you. They prescribe meds. Psychologists or therapist work by talking and teaching natural ways of coping. Good luck!

I see a psychiatrist. The problem is I'm afraid of the anxiety. Now I have depression

mjlitl13 profile image

Why is your Dr taking you off Klonopin?

Have you had side effects from it?

I have taken Klonopin for many years and have done well with it.

I know it can be addictive, as all controlled substances can be, especially anti-anxiety meds. Is that why your Dr is taking you off of it?

I have tried various anti-depressants and the last one caused me to cry uncontrollably and constantly. My Dr wanted to increase my dosage but I "stood my ground" and told her that I wanted to get off of it. She complied with me and eventually I went back on the only anti-depressant that worked relatively well for me with almost no side effects, Zoloft.

The point is, you and your Dr should be a team, working together to do what is in your best interest.

If this Dr is not acting this way then I would suggest you finding a new Dr.

Plus, if you can afford it, having a therapist to talk through things, is the excellent combination!

Good luck and keep coming back here for even further support.



in reply to mjlitl13

I'm not addicted but I am also on

Antidepressants.. about 5 weeks ago started. The crying again the feeling in my stomach is so strong I can't stop the crying.

I've been to two doctors and therapists. My husband won't support. I found someone two hours away and he won't take me. It costs 78.00 dollars round trip. That's alot

On a bus

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