Happy New Year everyone,
Need to ask for some insight about Klonopin. I've had a significant bout of anxiety now for five+ months. During this time my psychiatrist has had me on 50 mg of Zoloft and .125 mg of Klonopin. At first the Klonopin was directed as needed, but anxiety was strong enough and consist enough that psych recommended taking klonopin consistently every day. I take two .125 mg at a time, usually 2x a day.
I've never taken Klonopin for this long. in the past only a month or two. And i've been reading about benzo addiction/withdraw, so that concerns me. My anxiety lately has been really bad, just non stop. I am wondering if taking Klonopin for this long is making things worse?
I would appreciate any experience/advice people have with Klonopin. And I am definitely going to discuss with pysch at next appointment in about a week.