I've had anxiety and depression for about 20 years. For the past 3 years I noticed I wasn't getting enough oxygen (I wasn't breathing fast), and sometimes I walked slow and got tired. In September I got tachycardia when putting some ice in a cooler, after that I can't walk mcuh. I just go to the bathroom and back to my room, and I get tired. I can't take a shower because I get tired and my heart starts racing, even if I'm sitting down. When I breath I feel I don't get enough oxygen. I'm practically disabled since I can't do anything. After the tachycardia episode my cardiologist did a holter test, leg ultrasound, ekg and echocardiogram and he says everything came out fine. I had a stress test about a month before and it came out fine but I don't think I could pass it now. I was taking Alprazolam (Xanax) once a week and was discontinuing Mirtazapine (Remeron) for depression but after the episode I started taking the Alprazolam twice a day and my psychiatrist put me back on the Mirtazapine 15 mg. a day (it will also help me with eating since I don't want to eat, I just started taking it on wednesday). He says I have depression and anxiety and that I should walk for exercise, get a life and go dancing. I don't know how he can say that if I'm practically confined to my house. If I try to walk a little I get pressure in my head and my heart starts pounding and I get tired. Next week I'm going to have a nerve conduction test at the neurologist (to see if they can diagnose why I can't walk much) and I'm going to the pulmonologist to see what's going on with my breathing. Two years ago I went to the pulmonologist and they did tests and everything came out fine and one year ago I went to the neurologist and they did many tests and everything was fine. But I don't know of anyone who has problems walking and it has to do with depression or anxiety. Please let me know what you think. I'm desperate as I am here disabled at home. Things went downhill really fast after I got the tachycardia in September. Thank you very much. God bless you.
Not able to walk much, short of breat... - Anxiety and Depre...
Not able to walk much, short of breath, racing heart, please help

My severe stress has contributed to chronic fatigue, tight chest, pain on breathing and GERD which causes wheezing. Could you have stress induced ME/ CFS / Fibromyalgia?
Hello, sorry you are suffering so much. Have you been tested for sleep Apnea? My psychiatrist practitioner wanted me to take the test, I did, and yes I have Apnea, I wake up 58 times an hour although I am not aware of it. I also have restless leg syndrome, these will make you tired, along with your m/a. Talk to your Dr. about taking the test. I have more energy now, but cannot tell where it has helped my a/d.!!!See if you can find a support group they are so valuable, I just started one and love it. I wish you well, sending love & peace. Sprinkle 1
Hi again, the first part of the sleep apnea test is simple, they bring a small unit to your home, it fits over a finger or a thumb and you wear it while you sleep. Depending on what the results are then they ask you to go to the sleep lab for further testing. I certainly do have more energy during the day. Hope that is of help to you. Sending you Strength, peace & love. Sprinkle 1
If they want you to go to the sleep lab, do you have a friend that could take you and bring you home?
Hi Sprinkle 1. They told me that I have to go to the sleep lab directly. They said I could bring someone to sleep over with me. My mom is the one that will come with me, and the only person that is available to come with me. But since my heart is racing, and I'm short of breath and nauseous, it makes it hard for me to know that I have to be there from 8:30 p.m.until the next morning. I know that test will be good for me. Let's see if I get enough courage to go. Thank you for your replies Sprinkle 1, it's nice to know that there are people out there who care.