Having one of those days AGAIN ! I was doing so good for the most part. BUT RIGHT NOW... I don’t want to get out of the bed. Everything and everyone is questionable right now ! I’m just laying here like what’s the point ? Maybe I do need to be on meds. Sigh !
I WISH I was a NORMAL girl 😪 - Anxiety and Depre...
I WISH I was a NORMAL girl 😪
Hiya, can I offer you a bit of support? Imo Terms like Normal are designed for a spin cycle on a washing machine program and not for such a beautiful, complex but actually very individually different human being such as you or I! Washing machines are all made to do the same thing. Whereas human beings are completely different from one to another.
I don't mean this is a critical manner, I know you probably don't feel it right now but you are special, yes you are feeling rubbish today, right now at this minute, but who's to say that you will feel this way in ten minutes , an hour or tomorrow or it might even be next week
But take heart in the fact that you have already indicated that you don't always feel like this and by trying to remember that your pain will end it might help you to deal with some of the tricks and negativity that you are currently experiencing?
I'm not a doctor or therapist but I think maybe that you should go and seek some kind of professional health advice. You don't even have to do everything they suggest but informed is well armed so that if/when these feelings arise I next time, hopefully you'll be able to challenge the 'stinking thinking' and move into a better, kinder mindset
I hope that helps even if just a tiny bit
With the kindest of regards
Thanks for your comment. I will take your kind words into consideration.
If it's any comfort to you. Many of us here feel the same way. So to us feeling that way is kind of normal.
I often think "what's the point of anything", but it's not helpful to dwell on those thoughts. So I just try to focus on something else which interests me. Distraction is a powerful thing as long as it's not mistaken with an avoidance behaviour.

Whats the difference between avoidance and distraction?
Well, I see your point. In this context I meant distraction as in distracting yourself from having those negative thoughts , can be a good tool to use rather than dwelling on them.
I understand but sometimes it hard to focus at that point. Some days are just “inevitable”.
I just watched this video and thought that it was quite inspiring. youtube.com/watch?v=kFV5tjo...
hey I'm new here. didn't realize so many go through the same things I do
Well welcome to the family! You will find much support on here. I feel like things are more bearable now but I still have my days. But yeah...you’re definitely not alone !

Thank you. hopefully Ill be able to make as much as progress as you have. I just want to be somewhere I'm not judged.
I know how you feel, one minute I think I'm ok and an hour later things can change and I'm right back again low and feeling worthless not wanting to leave my bed. I try to have a faith and i hope you do to, you're not alone and I hope you can overcome what you feel xxx
Awe ! Thank you for your kind words and understanding. Yes! That’s exactly how things are. I strongly dislike that random feeling. But hopefully I can return the support when needed 😇
Normal is only a setting on a dryer! Being unique is what makes us each so beautiful in our own way. Thank God! The world could not handle more than 1 of me! We all have good days and bad days. Celebrate your good days! Focus on those! If you’re having a bad day and want to stay in bed occasionally (I know I do!) then do it. Consider it a good day because you did what you wanted and were successful at it. Even people who don’t struggle with mental illness have bad days. I enjoy myrelaxing in the bed days and the next day use that extra energy I saved to do something extra! Cut your self some slack. A therapist teaches coping skills and helps you get to the root of your problems so you can heal. Even medicine doesn’t help without it. That’s just a bandaid until you can fix problems causing it. They can also teach you to recognize triggers so you can act to overcome bad days before they happen. So just breathe! You got this!
You just made my night. I was just laying here getting frustrated but thank you. I really do hope I get to the root of my problems soon !!!

And now you’ve made mine! See? You really are special. You just made me feel good. I’m here to talk anytime. I’m from Virginia so it’s 3.09am here. I may go to bed soon but I’ll be back tomorrow. Go to bed knowing that you just made someone’s night! 💖
its okay girl, it looks like a lot of us feel the same way. I've always wanted to feel normal and accepted but no matter what, I end up feeling out of place or uncomfortable and I hateeee it. Some days are better than others though