I wish there was a pill on the market or protective shield which could numb you or hide you and prevent from hearing negative things seeing negative people and dealing with any negativity in life I kind of think that would be a popular pill or popular Shield or something. I find coping right now pretty hard
Wish there was a numbing pill - Anxiety and Depre...
Wish there was a numbing pill

I hear you. Sometimes it'd be nice to be a Superhero and turn it all off.
Yes, wouldn’t a magic pill or some kind of superpower to block the negativity be awesome For now, we’ll just have to train the brain to ignore the hate and gravitate towards love ❤️

Hi Kelly I will try my hardest to retrain my brain sending you warm Vibes and peaceful, happy holidays😊😊

Just having a hard time dealing with my emotions and trying to ignore things that I've been told to ignore like when I go out in public but it feels like you can't ignore them anymore an I see my therapist on a weekly basis and stuff and she tries to help me with art therapy but sometimes it's so hard to deal with that sometimes it doesn't work for me and trigger warning I keep thinking to the very negative things
Maybe a shield like a superhero ,one for all the anxiety warriors out there living life in spite of our Disorders🏆
Yes, i sometimes visualize a protective shield all around me and also remind myself to stay in my own lane as I navigate through the day.
I know my therapist told me that due to my meningitis when I was a child and my childhood trauma it's made me even more sensitive to the surroundings around me and I need to create a disco ball around me but I find it very hard to you and I can't imagine it when I go out into public or at work and sometimes really hard to deal with. I wish you a happy healthy prosperous New Year and Beyond, Gg
I also think.But we should be patient,to be mindfull(let God help us being so) and to observe,face,experience the situation and thought to learn and push our life level above.( I understand we find it vheavy on us).let God bless all of us to help for this
I find Seroquel does a good job at sedating me for a couple hours. 100mg puts me to sleep for an hour during the day. I wake up refreshed. I don't mind feeling sedated because my mind tortures me with negative thoughts every day.
I think I need to start taking Seroquel too. Wishing you a healthy happy prosperous New Year's and Beyond
Hi sweets, I imagine a pink translucent soap bubble with colors swirling around me. It is a protective bubble nothing negative can get in it all just bounces away.
Hi Raggedy, my therapist told me to start imagining a disco ball around me cutting out people's negativity toward me but sometimes it's hard to think like that. A pink bubble bath sounds pretty good I hope you're doing well and happy holidays to you and I wish you the very best happy healthy and prosperous New Years and Beyond
Actually, there are a lot of nice and positive people in this world around us. Negativity, however, in every means, is powerful enough to showcase itself in every possible way. It overshadows all the other vibes, be it positive emotions, emotions of anger, rage, self-respect, self-esteem, love, anxiety, sadness, happiness, etc., due to which everyone, including us, is quick to feel a negative emotion/vibe than the others mentioned.
It makes you somehow lose your senses towards all the other emotions around you and makes you deaf and blind for the same.
Atleast, that what I have started believing.
Although, I too, share the same feelings as you do and find it hard to cope up with negativity but I strongly believe in the phrase that, "What you seek, is seeking you. "
So I never lose hope in finding the good in every person around me. Most them have ditched me at the end but if in a group of 100 I find 1, who is honest, I guess I won!