I am a 29 year old who suffers from severe anxiety due to going through a terrible court battle with my daughter's father . This past fall I found out my psychiatrist who I would see from time to time since 2013 who would give me Xanax as needed when my anxiety got bad. This past summer my anxiety all of the sudden got awful. My heart races, I sweat, I have trouble leaving the house or doing anything for that matter. I had found out my Psychiatrist that I would see from time to time was going in a different direction and was not accepting new patients . ( I was considered new because it had been so long since I saw her) . I was given several names of new psychiatrists to try. I made an appointment with one and I had to wait 3 months to see him. Therefore, I made an appointment with my primary care physician who prescribed me Xanax to get me through until my appointment. I saw this new psychiatrist. I saw him three times and did not like him at all. I felt he didnt listen to me what so ever. He had put me on .5mg Clonazepam and Paroextine 40mg. All the Paroextine did was make me gain 40 pounds. I work at a hospital . They gave me a recommendation of another Psychiatrist to see. I made an appointment with him and saw him. We connected and I felt like he understood me . He wanted to increase my dose of Clonazepam and wean me off of the Paroextine eventually. My second appointment with him I slept through. I was to embarrassed and anxious to call and schedule a new appointment until recently. My PCP kept me on Xanax until I could get things worked out( I was no longer taking the other meds). I went back to him and he apparently can't prescribe me anything because it looks like I am "doctor hopping". I am so upset. I feel like I have every right to try a second psychiatrist if I felt the first one was not a good fit. My psychiatrist (the second one who i liked) called my primary care physician and gave her instructions on what medications to give me to help with my awful anxiety. Which he stated would be Clonazepam .5mg three times daily and then eventually move up to 1mg. I am not a drug seeker nor a doctor hopper. I have a primary care physician, my migraine doctor and was trying to find a psychiatrist who I felt could help me find ways to deal and cope with my awful anxiety. Now, I am stuck with seeing my primary care physician. The pharmacy now gives me a hard time because the first psychiatrist who I decided was not a good fit for me flagged me as a doctor hopper. I am so upset becauase that's the last thing I am. I am generally healthy besides my migraines. I have awful anxiety currently because of several traumatic things happening in my life. I just want to get well so I can be ok with being out in public. I especially want to get well for my beautiful five year old daughter. I have never had anxiety this bad and now it's worse because I don't know what to do. I just want to find a doctor who can guide me and help me and listen to me . I absolutely do not just want to take Benzodiazepines . I want to get well and be healthy and find something that helps me. I feel I don't even have that opportunity because of being labeled a doctor hopper. Which makes me so upset because I feel I have every right to try a second psychiatrist if I did not like my first one. I mean I suffer from terrible anxiety and feel I have every right to find a doctor I feel safe and comfortable with. Now I am stuck and feel helpless and just want to get well and my anxiety under control. If anyone has any input or suggestions I would be forever grateful.