Don't have no one in my life who I can call a friend or I can actually talk to
No friends or no one I can talk to - Anxiety and Depre...
No friends or no one I can talk to
Same here. I'm 19 and i lost the only friend i had since high school. She is 19 and she ran away to be with her 50 year old boyfriend. She abandoned me who i thought was her friend and her own family. Now i have absolutely no one to call a friend. But then again i always felt alone. You can always talk to me.
Thank you sweetie and I'm very sorry for not replying sooner
Appreciate that hon
it's not atol nice people who you think you know the way they act Sometimes

Yeah i couldn't agree more. All i got is myself....

There are MANY people here that are more than welcome to chat with you! About anything and everything, this place truly is a good place to find people to talk too. Who can also relate to how we are feeling!
Thank u really appreciate that
You have the power to change your life!! Although it might seem grim and hopeless now, a new friend or a great experience might be right around the corner. Don't give up on yourself and BELIEVE that you can feel happiness!! All it takes is a step in the right direction...
Why? Dnt trust anyone? Did somethibg happen?
Same here, same feeling, there's no one
But hey, alone + alone, maybe it can work, nice to meet you, my name is Mib maybe I can't talk to you, maybe I need someone too, maybe we can help each other
Nice to meet you to course I think that's sounds like a great idea thank you
Hello, same here. No one I can really open up to about anxiety and depression struggles. I was diagnosed about 3 years ago and think that my family doesn't understand how hard it is to deal with it and how it is a daily struggle. No real friends either, it's hard for me to reach out to anyone but at the same time I wish people would try and reach out to me and enjoy my company. I think I have pushed away some of the closest people I had in my life because I stopped visiting or calling. Hopefully we can find that one special friend someday.
I can completely understand where your coming from I'm in a similar situation myself family doesn't seem to understand it's even hArder because I'm s full time parent

You can reach out to me anytime you need someone to take to. Take care.
You hit my "life's story" right on the nail. I try and reach out too and its sooo taxing every time. I can post that I am having a down day on facebook and some people may respond but the person I really wanted to reach with my post just doesn't seem to care. The ones who do, don't really know my struggles. So I come to sites like this one and maybe.... just maybe I'll gain some worth while friendships and intimate relationships *and by that i mean someone who knows me inside and out, my deepest fears and my happiness*
My friends on facebook might say, "well don't you think you need medication again?" No. I don't and I don't want to start using anti-depressants again because I've had a few bad days. It comes and goes for me regardless if i'm on meds or not. Add to this that I have been "antidepressant free" for 5 years now. So going back so not something I need to do. I want, I want a better support system not more drugs.
I know what you mean I have depression and anxiety but I'm not on any medication for it I actually try self help apps books the lot anything the thing with me is I don't want to go to the doctors n explain my reasons for being there all they will do is offer medication n that's something I will never do I actually try anything this might sound daft but going for a walk petting my little one dog listening to relaxing music another one is going to church I'm not a church person but there's something about it
it's peaceful Iv tried reaching out to people they see me as a big joke never worked for me but hope it will for you

I agree. You just have to find what works for you. Some days meditation might work then it doesn't. Or books and music may work then it may not. I have my dog too and he lifts my spirits in his own way. Church is too far for me (30 min drive) and i don't have a car so i have to ask for a ride there so that's out largely but yeah we keep on keeping on.
I feel the same way. I will be your friend. Write to me anytime.
So sorry that's going on. I can relate! Are there any support groups in your area that you could plug into? If so, that might be helpful. In the meantime, you can message me. I'd be happy to b your friend.
Being alone and a single mom is hard. Look for playgroups for your child's age range. (I. E. Mom's day out, church groups, reading groups at bookstores or libraries) I've always found it easier to reach out to new people if I know I have something in common with them like my kids, church softball, animals, etc.)