Recently I've had difficulty speaking to my friends. One stressful instance where I tried to explain then defend myself to a (now) former friend opened me up for rough verbal abuse from them. I was stuck with them, unable to just leave. I opened up to them.
Another instance, I had to filter my re-telling of the dramatic situation to the man I stay with, because he is friends with all of us. Every time I open up to him, he uses it as a way to criticize me. I opened up to him.
in another instance, I really needed someone to talk to, I have a long time close friend, and I told her the unfiltered truth. I felt better, understood, and I felt comfort in her. Then she started acting differently. I asked and she said what I had told her upset and angered her, not towards me. I explained that the situation was a result of my own choices. This didn't help. She left from our visit early, saying she had to go and get over her feelings. I felt terrible, unloading what I needed to say, put it on her. I never meant to hurt her. I opened up to her.
Another friend of the man I stay with, is his ex, and is constantly manipulative, whispers behind my back, criticizes me in front of him, which turns him against me. I opened up to her.
Seems like I cannot get any human relationship right, I can try to go back to counseling, although it hasn't helped, only time it worked was someone who was smart, and we got each other. So, it's worked once out of 50 times. I have a hard time being completely honest with a counselor.
How do I fix my human relationships?