I feel so lonely, and useless everyday, like I don't have a purpose in life anymore. I just can't shake this feeling for weeks now, any ideas?
Feeling unwanted and useless - Anxiety and Depre...
Feeling unwanted and useless

I sorry you feel that way I wish there was more I could offer, but just remember we are never alone.
You could consider volunteering. There are tons of opportunities out there. It would give you a good feeling that you are helping others. Hang in there you are not alone.
Hey sweetie, we all have a purpose in life...try listening to some music of your choice or watch your favorite movie! We will all get through this together! It's not a easy road but we will succeed!!
Thank u for all the kind words
Aww remember you are not unwanted or useless and everyone here including yourself has a purpose 😊I'm sure that your awesome! Please keep your chin up my friend things will get better!
I agree with howard327. Volunteering is a great way to feel like part of the solution. To feel worthy and improve self esteem. Helping otters or supprtong, listening, giving advise, mentoring are all ways to get out of self obsession and focus on others instead of over thinking about ourselves. That's how this forum helps me.
- I would add to avoid social media and the trap of comparing yourself with others. That can be toxic
Good luck ✌️
good advice Meeasy on avoiding social media and comparison to others, it is poisonous...they say the comparison is the thief of joy Tired. Unless it doesn't bother you, avoiding 'sm' is wise, because we have a tendency to do lots of comparisons there with posts. Take care, I hope things look up.
Hey what going on I was just on here a week or so let me talk to you I felt the same way
I want to say thiya we do feel like we feel no one k knows how you feel but you but it does help to see people care I had a lot of people reach out to me what a feeling because for the most part my family don't want to hear it ,to bad I human to I get tired of always hear I g them hey listen to me sometimez
I know how u feel...remember God loves u....faith is all we have sometimes....