Hi! I am a newbie and not quite sure were to start...I didn't realize I probably had a true issue with anxiety or potentially depression until I had an anxiety attack at work this week and nearly fainted.
I have been under a lot of stress over the past 6 to 9 months, work, personal relationnships et, constantly feeling I am fighting a battle not to have my life pulled like a rug from underneath me.
And while I thought I can handle everyhting and there will be a solution for issues and I will be fine this week I finally felt like everything is spinning out of control and my life will collapse and I will lose everything, just because I might have made a mistake. Maybe overlooked a detail, misunderstood something. I even briefly thought that maybe everything will go away, if I just stop to exist. That scared me the most...
So after the attack a coupe of days ago, I am wondering how I should go on from here...
Do I need professional help?
Where shall I start to find help?
How can I stop going over every worry over and over again?
I would appreciate any form of advice! Thanks