I don't know if I can do this anymore. My wife of 6 years just told me that we are done. She is the love of my life and I can't stand to lose her. I don't know what to do. So many feelings are going through me. I can't handle this pain
Can't take it anymore: I don't know if... - Anxiety and Depre...
Can't take it anymore

I understand your feeling. My boyfriend who I've loved since high school told me yesterday my anxiety makes him see me differently. He only wants to be with me because i live with him. it hurts hearing that..
It sounds like you're confused and overwhelmed...which is to be expected when someone drops a bomb like this. I read through some of your older posts about meds and exercise, and it sounds like you're putting in the work to make a good change. Please keep us updated on how you're doing. I hope that you're able to move through this and come out the other side with less pain.
There is a quote I quite like "It might take a year, it might take a day, but what's right will always find it's way." I FIRMLY believe that, maybe it's the only thing that's kept me going through the shit times. But I believe it, I really do. I hope this will work out for you, keep your head up. Maybe you can work it out? As a female I know we tend to appreciate grand romantic gestures.
We just talked and she is still set on us not being together. I told her that I am going to work on me and get me fixed but I'm not going to stop fighting for us.
It's so hard to grow up and be told that crying, seeing a counselor, getting on psych meds make you weak and then when you need the help your so stubborn because of what you were taught and was instilled in your head. Then you finally hit the breaking point and you say fuck it and go to get help and then because of the way you were acting when you weren't getting help causes your SO to want to end the relationship just a week or so after being diagnosed and starting meds.
My head is running in so many different directions and it's overwhelming me so much. I am so tired of crying cause I'm in so much pain.
This is all taking a major toll on my health. My smoking habit has increased tremendously, I'm not sleeping but maybe 3 or 4 hours spread out through each night and I have eaten maybe 4 meals in the last week or so.
You can only control yourself so just except that and try to start letting go won't be easy but you won't be alone for ever Try to do something for yourself all the best hang in there